Chapter 3

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3rd person

Taehyung and Jungkook arrived back home with their hyung and were greeted by their members who were preparing for dinner.

"Woah!" Hoseok stares at Yoongi. "Were you hit by a car or something? You look sweaty and you can't even walk straight."

"Hyung, what happened?!" Namjoon asked Yoongi, his leader senses are tingling.

Everyone waited for his answer.

The rapper scowled and glared at his two companions, "Ask those two!"

Their members turned their attention towards Taehyung and Jungkook who are now grinning and having smug expressions on their faces.

Jimin gasped, "You motherfuckers!! You two fucked Yoongi hyung, didn't you?"

Instead of responding, Taehyung and Jungkook bursted laughing.

Yoongi groaned and began limping to his room, "Nobody talk to me! I need to lie down, my back hurts like hell!!"

The four members eyed their limping member with his hand on his back.

"Yoongi! You need dinner!" Jin yelled to him but Yoongi didn't listen.

"My back hurts, hyung!!" The rapper yelled back.

Taehyung and Jungkook began to walk to their rooms as well to change and take a short shower after their short session with their hyung in his studio.

The genius lab has seen too much.

"Wait a minute!" Jimin stopped the two from walking any further.

"If you're just going to scold us, can we do it later? I really need a shower," Taehyung groaned.

Hoseok crossed his arms, "Bitch, you're going to sit here with us and tell us details or I will ignore what we just witnessed and convince myself that it never happened.

"Shower now, details later."

The members had no choice but to let the two go and continue the interrogation later as they can smell the sex reeking from the two youngest members.

"Can't believe they actually did it," Jin sighed with wide eyes.

Namjoon shrugged, "If anyone would have a go at Yoongi hyung, it's no surprise that it's those two."

"And I thought Jiminie will have the first go," Hoseok muttered.

"So did I," Jimin pouted and stared at the now empty hallway where the three went to their respective rooms to get changed, Yoongi probably fell asleep while changing.

Then, he felt a hand on his shoulder and when he looked up, he was met by the oldest member of the group.

"I know what you're thinking Jimin," Seokjin raises a brow. "But I suggest you shouldn't do it tonight and let Yoongi take a rest."

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