Chapter 6

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A/N: First time writing with orgy, if it's even considered as one. Will probably flop but we'll see. Just maknae line watching hyung line fuck Yoongi.

3rd person

"Namjoon-ah! Yoongi-ah! We're ho—"

Seokjin wasn't able to finish his sentence as his whole body froze at the sight in front of him.

Right in the living room, Namjoon is on top of Yoongi, the leader is jerking the rapper off but wouldn't let him cum and keeps on edging him until Yoongi is literally writhing underneath him.

Hands clutching the carpet tight and his body fully naked.

"Oh hey guys!" Namjoon grinned at them, his dimples popping out, he smiled at them so casually as if he doesn't have his member under him.

Yoongi forced himself to look up to see who Namjoon was talking to.

His eyes widened and his already pink face turned bright red in shame and embarrassment. Feeling his own members' eyes stare down at his naked body, all sweaty and pink.

"No fair, Namjoon-ah!" Hoseok huffed. "You could've told us that you were going to have Yoongi hyung, you have to share, you know."

Namjoon rolled his eyes, "You all had your private moments with him, I want to have my share too."

"Is that why you left earlier?" Jin asked with his arms crossed.

The members kept arguing and talking as if Yoongi isn't literally naked on the floor, writhing and whimpering, tears falling down and face flushed red because of all the times Namjoon had kept edging him.

The leader's hand is still on his cock, slowly moving up and down and the vibrator Seokjin gave him is still inside of him turned to the highest setting.

The pain and pleasure is a bit bearable since he's getting used to it and he began to finally breathe properly, but not for long.

Yoongi let out a loud whimper when Namjoon's thumb pressed right on his slit and he just needed something to push inside of him so he could finally cum.

He wanted to tell Namjoon this or anyone who would gladly help him and fulfill his needs but this would mean that he's actually admitting to everyone that he's a bottom.

Yoongi's pride is at risk.

"Oh, sorry hyung, I forgot about you for a bit," Namjoon apologized but everyone knew he was just teasing him.

Everyone began to walk in and he could hear footsteps surrounding them. He wanted to shout out for help but knew that he wouldn't be able to form decent words to even form a sentence.

He felt someone kneel down in front of him and he immediately looked up to see his only hyung.

"Yoongi-ah," Jin called with a sweet smile on his face.

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