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"Didn't expect that one huh?"

Namjoon's team then smirk in amusement.  They stand back up and ready themselves as Y/N is up to serve.  "Let's take this point back!" Namjoon hypes his team.

"NE!" they reply with much determination.

Momo is left speechless, her hands clenching.  "She's so talented... it bothers me so much..." she thought.  She quietly grunts to herself,

"But why can't I bring myself to hate her?!"

Tzuyu also is left speechless.  "She's even better than me at blocking!  She's a monster..."

Sana and Mina mindlessly blush as the bottom part of Y/N's shirt accidentally gets caught in the net from her descent after blocking.  The shirt is held up, showing Y/N's bare abdomen.  The seven boys whistle and cheer for Y/N's muscular-toned body.  Her face flusters- pulling her shirt down before punching Jimin's shoulder.

The other three's face also heats up, seeing what the other two saw.  "You saw that?" Sana asks Mina, fanning herself.  "I- I don't think I can take it-" Mina says, covering her face with her hands.

The five players of Ikjin continue to watch Y/N as she played on the court with their coaches.

Many minutes pass, Namjoon's team loses one set to two.  They run penalty laps on the track outside the gymnasium.  Exiting the gym- they find five peeking girls on the entrance.  Yoongi laughs, "If you girls wanna go in you know you can."  Then they run off to do their penalty laps.

Ikjin's five players stand in embarrassment, getting caught by their coaches.  Jin's team just sits inside on the court, Jungkook lying on the floor with Jimin.  Jin remains standing as he sips his water.  Y/N decides to do finger pushups in the meantime.  Upon wearing a sleeveless shirt- her muscles are clearly shown as she goes down for a pushup.

"Sheesh!  You work-out, Y/N-ah?" Jungkook asks, seeing the girl do her push-ups.  The latter shrugs, "I guess.  I do finger-pushups for my setting though."  Jin rolls his eyes as he chuckles at how devoted the girl is.

Embarrassed, the five Ikjin players run back to their room on the second floor- deciding to call it a night.  "WE'RE ABSOLUTE PABOS!"

=Day 8=9:23=

The gymnasium and the track field is filled with the sound of yelling and chatter.  In Jin's current group, Moonbyul of Tancheok is the player that is currently excelling at spiking.  Her slightly shorter height may come of a disadvantage but her strength alone is surprising.

For Hobi's group it's Minnie of Kimsang.  She obviously excels at setting, receiving the Best Setter Award in Seoul for junior high and high school.  By far, considered one of the most well-known reliable setters in all of female high school volleyball.

For Taehyung's group, Eunbi of Tancheok.  Her aim and consistent jump floats are effective against Taehyung himself.

Yoongi's group, it's Jihyo of Ikjin.  The girl has control in her receives, easily directing the ball wherever she wants it to land upon.  She also has an amazing stamina with an average speed.

Namjoon's group, it's Seulgi of Hyebaek.  Arguably Y/N of Tancheok because of her technical and effective read-blocks- but blocks alone go to Seulgi.  Her height makes it an advantage for her, including her ball slams over the net.

Jungkook's group, it's Sowon of Tancheok.  The girl has an impressive stamina, though it would make sense since she is played in most of the games.  Jumping and running around is essential to the blocker- the two actions require lots of stamina.

Finally, Jimin's group, it's Irene of Hyebaek.  Irene is also another incredible player- possibly the most reliable opposite hitter in all of South Korean female high school volleyball.  Her speed is amazing enough.  Putting her on court would be like putting a trampoline on her whole side of the court.  The ball always goes up.  Coming in a close second is Dahyun of Tancheok, although her technique surpasses Irene's, she is not as quick physically and mentally.

Just three days away from the first week of the training camp done.  Y/N started to notice Seulgi's determination to beat her has improved her receiving and blocking.  Wheein slightly started to improve her speed in fly-receiving.  Also, the setter feels somewhat proud of the quiet Mina.  Although she is very timid in game, she is able to read Y/N's sets or dumps at a rate of 60% of the time.

Namjoon grins as Seulgi attempts to block Y/N on her (Y/N) left side.  The blocker smirks, knowing that Y/N spikes with her left hand.  Y/N takes notice of Seulgi's motive, quickly switching to her right hand to push the ball lightly over the net.  Wheein fly-receives the ball- groaning as she feels the skin on her elbow squeak against the floor.

Seulgi descends from her jump.  She looks at Y/N with a big smirk, "This girl never fails to surprise me!"  "It's yours!" Wheein yelled as the ball drops from her high receive.  Seulgi jumps upwards from her spot taking aim at Mina.

She spikes the ball aimed directly at Mina.  Mina's eyes widen in fear- her body frozen unable to react in time.  Suddenly-



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