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Midoriya held Y/n's hand, walking home from the train.

" Do you understand now, Midoriya-senpai?" Y/n questioned.

" Huh?"

" This is why I think everyone is equal. No one is special, no one has worth."

" Y/n... I don't think you're right."

" Hm?"

" No one is equal, and that's just reality. There's people like Todoroki and Yaoyorozu, who are gifted and talented. Then there's someone like me, I didn't have a quirk growing up."

" How do you keep going, Midoriya-senpai? How can you keep trying and going, even when you constantly fail and lose? How can anyone keep going, after being repeatedly kicked while their down?"

" Because, the real challenge is getting back up again. It's like, you miss every shot you don't take. If you don't walk, you'll never run. If you don't try, you'll never fall, and you'll never have the chance of getting back up. I guess that's why I always get back up," Midoriya lightly sighed," It's hard, but, I won't stop, and I won't give up! I'll be a hero, no matter what people say!"

For once, Y/n bit his tongue. There was so many things he could say, but, he couldn't. He saw the look on Midoriya's face. His smile, that shimmered in the sunset, his eyes glimmered with happiness and determination. He had the look of a hero.

It was something Y/n couldn't deny, no matter how much he wanted to.  Midoriya was going to be a great hero someday...


Y/n was jealous, a feeling he had never felt before. Last evening, Midoriya had opened up Y/n's world. He saw colors, and what made him human, and it was driving him crazy.

May 19, 2015 5:45 A.m

No. No. No. I can't. I can't believe it. I can see.

It's not like I was blind before but, I can see what I've never seen before. I don't understand what Midoriya-senpai has done to me, with that speech. Why? Why did I let myself go this far?

- 5:54 A.m

Y/n thought he was going to write more, so he woke up earlier, but, he got to frustrated. He decided to read another one of his journal collection.

September 20th, 2009 2:45 am

My baby was born a couple days ago, so I'm making this for him.

Hello, Y/n, I'm your mother M/n. I'm sorry for leaving you all alone, I hope you can forgive me. I'm only 16, so I hope you can understand.

I'm glad I had you, you fill the missing piece that your father left in my heart. I don't regret having you, I regret sleeping with your father. He's a horrible man, so you can't ever meet him, okay?

I made sure his doesn't know you exist, so you should be safe and okay. I'm going to put my sister in charge of you, she should be there for you, when you need her.

Ah, you're crying. I have to go, love.

- 2:51 am

Y/n wanted to keep reading but, he couldn't bring himself too. It always hurt to read it. It seemed that, sometimes, his mother forgot it was for Y/n to read.

Y/n closed his book, and placed it down onto the small nightstand. Sammy and Sam snuggled closer to Y/n, trapping his small body.

Y/n wanted to move, but he didn't want to disturb his two cats.

" You guys." Y/n whined.

They ignored Y/n's whines, loving his warmth.

Y/n sighed, giving up on stopping his cats. Y/n wanted to go out for a breather, get some air or, maybe, jump off a bridge, whatever he was in a mood for.

No matter what, he loved his cats, to death and beyond.

Y/n closed his eyes, letting sleep over wash him like a wave.

I don't Want To Be Alone | Midoriya Izuku x Male! Child! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now