Chapter 3

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"Then he ran to the edge of the table and lost consciousness.", Lea added. All throughout our break time, we have been talking about the comic book that we both just finished reading.

"Right. And no one came to help him, that's why he died and wandered around killing people.", She nodded in agreement before taking a bite off her food.

"It would've been nicer if he killed his cousin, the one who did him wrong the most."

"But, did you find it creepy?", I added and she shook her head swallowing.

"Not really."

"Same here.", To be honest, nothing creepy can scare me anymore. Maybe I watch too much or read too much horror that I don't know what's scary anymore.

I looked at my wrist watch and we only have ten minutes left until our break is over. I've already finished my snacks so I think it would be best if I go back early.

"There's only ten minutes left. Let's go?", She took the last bite before nodding.

"Okay.", We both stood up and parted ways after. Her classroom is at the opposite direction from mine, so our classrooms are abit far.

"Mom, I got a perfect score in our test earlier!", My sister proudly said, smiling ear to ear. School ended about thirty minutes ago and we are now on the way home. Mom and Dad picked me and my sister up since both our classes ends at the same time likewise theirs too.

"Great job! Keep it up.", I saw Mom smile at Lily through the mirror, then after, her eyes shifted to me. "What about you Hiah?"

"Just...", I looked out the window and sighed.

"I'm sure you're doing great."

It's not that I'm failing academically, infact I'm actually stable, it's just that I don't really have much to talk about those stuff and for the most part, I don't really care. And I still do appreciate Mom's encouragement.

"Oh right!", Mom said and me and my sister both tend our attention to her."Later we're going to Mr. Lee's birthday and...", The rest, I didn't listen, mainly because I'm not going cause if I do I'd probably just sit there, in a corner, alone. Just to be clear, it's not like I don't like people, it's because I'm not good at approaching people.

But my sister likes those kinds of stuffs, like going to fancy gatherings and as usual she is now all excited and is already planning on what's she's going to wear.

"Hiah!", I only realized that I forgot to lock my door when my sister is now barging in inside my room, already in her sparkling dress. "Mom asked me to ask you again if you wanna come and I'm guessing that you're not so I'm going now. Bye!", My lips twitched, annoyed. Why bother asking?

She turned around and headed to the door. "Don't forget to close the door behind you!"

"Yeah yeah.", She sarcastically answered. But before she could even go out, she suddenly turns around again to face me, looking so creepy with her evil(?) wide grin.

"What now?", I boringly asked, shifting my eyes back to the book that I was reading just now.

"I kinda like heard Mom and Dad talking earlier—"

"Eavesdropping is so not good.", I blankly said.

"They were talking about the Hong family.", I bit my upper lip as my eyes started to anxiously look around. I still didn't look up to her just to not make myself obvious and a complete embarrassment to add up.

"Wow.", She slowly walked towards me. "You just heard his last name and you're already like this?", She laughed, causing all my blood to boil up as I glared at her.

It's not because of him that I'm like this, fool. It's because of the fact that you know that I have something for him which is something that I would just want to keep for myself until the day that I'll vanish.

"Can't you just go out?", She looked at me with a cheeky smile as she heads out of my room.

"Okay~", and she gently closed the door.

I'm still not going. I mean I get to see him everyday at school and even here when our houses are just near—

But this is a whole new different topic. I'm sure he's wearing one of those manly tuxedos, what if this time his hair will be brushed up? What if I'd get to see a whole new side of him?!

Ughh!! I hate myself for this.

"Oh! I thought you weren't coming?", Mom confusedly looked at me as I was heading down the stairs.

"I suddenly craved for party foods, so...", I forged a smile.

"No mom, actually she's coming because of—", I quickly dashed to Lily and covered her mouth.

"Food! Yeah, b—because of food.", She tried to get my palms away from her mouth, but unlucky her, I'm stronger.

"Shut your freaking mouth!", I mouthed and let her go. She fixed herself, annoyed while glaring at me and I did too.

Serves her right! It's her fault for being that careless. If I were in her shoes, I would've just shut my mouth and don't care and carry on with my life.

But fortunately I'm not her but unfortunately she's my sister.

Inside the car, I was quietly sitting beside my annoying sister while she was busy checking herself in her small mirror.

"Why do you always wear thick eyeliners?", She suddenly blurted out.

"None of your business."

"I wouldn't if I were you. You look so dark with that. Do you really like ghosts that much...", And so her unnecessary dictating started again which I chose to ignore. If I try to defend myself again, our fight will just prolong which I'm too tired to do.

As we were getting near at the venue that Mom said, I was feeling a little nervous. Who wouldn't? When they clearly know that someone they have a crush on is gonna be there too.

"Do you still remember the Korean words I taught you?"

"Yes~/Yes.", My sister and I both said in unison, the only difference is the tone of our voices. Mom taught us earlier, like how you greet in Korean and so on. Some words were 감사합니다(Thank you), 생일축하한다(Happy Birthday) and...

"안녕하세요..."(Hello). I mumbled to myself while looking out the window. Since the person who's going to celebrate his birthday today, is kind of like a great senior and also a superior to my parents, we have to give a lot of respect, like speaking in formal Korean as he is Korean.

We finally arrived inside and not that surprisingly, there were a lot of guests. I looked at my sister beside me and she was enjoying herself so much just by the sight of all these fancy interior designs and the fancy people around.

There were bright chandeliers hanging on the ceiling, an orchestra, and everything was in color gold with a hint of beige.

Both my parents greeted some people that they know, and I was just behind them with my sister beside me, smiling at those unfamiliar people when they see me.

While we were doing so, I subconsciously started looking for him, after minutes of looking around, he was still no where to be found.

What if....

"Were you lying?", I asked Lily and she raised her brows. I was too caught up with my feelings that I just now realized that what if what she said earlier was just a lie just to like avenge herself.

"Lying about what?"

"About him? You know what I'm talking about.", I whispered.

"I wasn't, really.", Well, she kinda sounded sincere but I still doubt her, she's way too untrustworthy for me to trust her just like that.

"I'm so gonna kill you if you were."

But when we got nearer to the center, I finally saw him from afar and as I was getting near him, my vision of him got clearer. But my face went blank when I saw the person he's with.

Why is he here?!

It was my seatmate, Dokyeom!

I Was First | Joshua HongWhere stories live. Discover now