Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: The Truth about Rachel Lee

Henry was hoping Steve would find David. David could be the one that tells Steve about Nicholas. Henry was watching Amelia and her friends swimming in the pool. Annie walks up to him. "Do you want to come and swim with us?" Annie asks. "Yes, I would love to," Henry replied. Henry got into the swimming pool with the others and the swim got his mind off of Nicholas. Henry knew that Nicholas was watching. Henry was worry that Nicholas would hurt Amelia and her friends. Annie starts kissing Henry. "Do you want to go to my room?" Annie asks.

"I would love to," Henry replied. Henry and Annie went to her room while the others continue to swim. Amelia watches Annie and Henry leave. Amelia could not wait until Steve gets here. "This house is so big. I wonder who owns it?" Lisa asks. "I do not know and I do not care," Ben replied. "I think we should go shopping," Lisa suggests. "I want to go sightseeing! You can go shopping when we get home!" Ben replied angrily. "You are so boring!" Lisa replied angrily. "You are the one that is boring!" Ben replied angrily.

"Will you guys stop fighting!" Amelia replied angrily. Lisa storm off. "Lisa, come on don't be that way!" Ben pleaded. "Kiss my butt!" Lisa yells. "I cannot believe that way she is acting!" Ben replied. "Ben, just give her some time to cool off. She just being a brat," Amelia advice. "You are right," Ben agree with Amelia. "I am going to call Steve," Amelia replied. Amelia try to call Steve, but her phone was not working. "What is going on? My phone does not work," Amelia replied. "Why don't we ask Henry what is going on with the phones," Ben suggests.

Amelia and Ben went to look for Henry. They found Lisa looking around the mansion. "Does your phone work?" Amelia asks Lisa. "I have not tried to call anyone," Lisa answers. "Can you try to call someone?" Amelia asks. Lisa try to call someone, but her phone does not work. "My phone does not work!" Lisa replied angrily. Henry came walking toward them. "Henry, our phones do not work," Amelia told Henry. "I am sorry there is no cellphone reception here. I should have told you," Henry replied. "Yes, you should you jerk! We need to call our family and friends!" Lisa replied angrily.

Steve was looking for David Foster. Steve's phone starts ringing and he answers it. "Hello is this Steve Wilson?" the man asks. "Yes, it is and who are you?" Steve asks. "My name is Ken Parker. I am a private investigator," Ken explained. "What can I do for you Mr. Parker?" Steve asks. "I heard you are investigating the Rachel Lee Watson's disappearance. I knew someone who wanted me to investigate Rachel Lee Watson before her disappearance," Ken explained. "Who was it?" Steve asks. "I cannot tell you because that is client privilege information," Ken replied. "Was David Foster your client?" Steve asks.

"No, he was not. I do have his address. David Foster might be able to tell you more," Ken explained. Ken gave David's address to Steve. Steve rush over to see David Foster. David opens the door right away. "Can I help you with something Sir?" David asks. "Yes, my name is Steve Wilson and I am investigating the disappearance of Rachel Lee Watson," Steve explained. "Rachel Lee is missing?" David asks. "Yes, she is. Someone hired a private investigator to follow her," Steve explained. "Rachel Lee's boyfriend Nicholas Rockwell probably hired the private investigator," David suggests.

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