Chapter 14

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Chapter 14: The Truth About Nicholas

Nicholas drags Amelia to his room and rips Amelia's clothes off. Nicholas had his way with Amelia. Amelia did not fight him because she was scared that he would harm one of her friends. Nicholas went to sleep after he was finished with her. Amelia was in shock and she was crying so hard that her eyes hurt. Amelia has to find a way out of here. Amelia was watching Nicholas sleep and she went to sleep too. Later Amelia woke up and Nicholas had his arm wrapped around her. Amelia went back to sleep.

The next day Amelia woke up and Nicholas was gone. Amelia got her clothes on. She heard someone open the bedroom door. "Hello my love, I made you some breakfast," Nicholas replied happily kissing Amelia's forehead. "Thank you. Are my friends okay?" Amelia asks. "Yes, they are fine," Nicholas replied. Amelia ate her breakfast and Nicholas had his way with her again. Amelia went to take a shower after Nicholas finished with her. Amelia was hoping that Steve would rescue her. Amelia had her birth control in the suitcase. Nicholas allowed Amelia to watch a movie on TV.

Ben looked around the room. "We have to get out of here!" Ben replied angrily. "You heard that psycho. He has traps all over the house. How are we going to get out of here?!" Lisa asks angrily. "I do not know, but I cannot sit around and do nothing!" Ben replied. "I cannot believe we were dumb enough to take this trip!" Lisa replied angrily. "How could we know this was going to happen!" Ben replied angrily. "You are a cop and you should have known this would happen," Lisa replied angrily. "Are you blaming me for this? I just got shot in the leg. I cannot fight a man with a gun!" Ben yells.

"Yes, I am blaming you and Steve for this. Steve should have come with us. You and Steve might have a better chance to fight this guy!" Lisa replied. "LISA, THE GUY HAD A GUN. YOU CANNOT FIGHT SOMEONE WITH A GUN!" Ben screams. "What is going on?!" Nicholas asks angrily. "Nothing is going on!" Lisa replied angrily. "I think I need to put you two in different rooms!" Nicholas replied angrily. Nicholas grabs Lisa by the hair and drags her out of the room. Ben try to stop him, but he could not walk due to his injured leg. Ben was crying and feeling helpless.

Steve and Jerry went to Paris to find Nicholas' house. Jake Russell calls Jerry. "I just found some information about Nicholas. Nicholas was adopted. George Rockwell is his uncle. Nicholas' father murders his mother when he was a baby," Jake replied. What happened to his father?" Jerry asks. "He committed suicide after he killed his wife," Jake answers. Jerry finishes talking to Jake. Steve had to find Amelia before Nicholas kill her. They rush to the Paris police, but they could not do anything without proof. A police officer was listening and he agrees to help. "My name is Miles Baker," Miles introduces himself.

Henry went to town and he ran into Steve. Steve grabs Henry by the neck. "WHERE IS MY GIRLFRIEND?!" Steve scream. "I did not want to help Nicholas. I told you about David Foster because I wanted to help you. I wanted to stop Nicholas!" Henry replied angrily. "You are going to the police with us and tell them what you told us!" Steve replied angrily. Henry told the police that Nicholas kidnap Amelia and her friends and the house have booby traps. The police rush to Nicholas' house. The police burst into Nicholas' house. Steve found Amelia and they start hugging.

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