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The Exterminator's spear flew through the air, sailing towards Charlie at rapid speed. She didn't see it coming because her back was turned, but I saw it clear as day. The only thought that passed through my head was that I couldn't let it happen again. I had to save her this time, I had to.

The jagged pain almost knocked me off of my feet as the spear went through my chest, awfully close to my heart. I saw the Exterminator's face twist into a frown, it hadn't been expecting me to step in it's path. My usual smile was still set on my face as I flicked my wrist, causing a small pit to open up underneath the Exterminator. Much like with Sir Pentiouse, ebony tentacles creeped out of the pit and grabbed onto the angel's limbs, ripping it apart as it gave a painful scream.

Almost as if there was a merciful God abovw, the town clock tolled midnight. Extermination Day was over, which meant that everyone was safe from the Exterminators. As soon as I was sure the Exterminators were all gone, I allow myself to collapse to the ground.

"Alastor!" Charlie's voice rang out in a shrill tone. I heard a few more garbled voices as I started to fade in and out from the blood loss. I felt a pair of strong arm hook under my arm pits and lift me up, dragging me inside.

I must have blacked out for a moment because the next thing I saw were blurry shapes looming over me. A pinkish shape that I assumed was Angel Dust had it's hands pressed around where the spear was, probably trying to stop the blood flow.

An angelic face was suddenly above me, one that I knew all to well. Her skin tone was that of a creole, her eyes where a dazzling shade of chestnut, and her hair was a breath taking shade of burgundy brown that framed her perfect face. Even through the haze of blood loss, I could recognize her face. It was the face that always haunted my dreams, it was her face, the one that Charlie reminded me of.

"You're going to be okay." God, I was even hearing her voice. A voice that sounded like the the soft lullaby of a cool summer night, and reminded you of twinkling stars.

"Abigail." I barely breathed the name as my eyes began to sting with tears. How long had it been since I had last cried? I believe it had been the night I lost my sweet Abigail.

"What?" Abigail's face contorted into one of confusion, and then slowly faded away into Charlie's. Before she was able to speak another word, Vaggie's voice sounded off.

"Angel, help me pull out the spear!" A hand that I assumed was one of Angel's, do to the size and slight furry feeling, squeezed mine as I felt his hands press down harder around the spear.

"This is gonna hurt like hell, Al." Angel's voice was barely audible in my ears as a shape that seemed like Vaggie pit it's hand around the spear's shaft. After a count of three, the Vaggie shape yanked at the spear, setting it free from the fleshy prison that was my chest.

I won't lie, I screamed. The pain was overwhelming and honestly, enough to make me almost vomit. Fortunately I didn't. I saw a few shapes move around from the corner of my eyes as I felt more hot blood spill from my wound.

"We're loosing him!" Was the last thing I heard before I blacked out.


I was gonna make this a one shot, but I think I'll do what I do best, leave you wanting more.

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