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Melly POV

I just drop Zayie out at school and now on my way to my photo shoot.

Mariah calls

Me: What tf you want

Mariah: I'm sorry

Me: You should of thought about that

Mariah: Please I want to fix things


Hangs up

I do my famous laugh and keep driving

Milli POV

I can't wait to see my son I haven't seen him all day. I pull into the drive way and get out car. I pull out the key to put it the lock and the lock fell on the ground and push the door open to see my house destroyed and glass everywhere and then keep walking and see the name Mariah spray painted through my house. Now I'm pissed cause how she gon trash my house the place where I lay my head. I called Melly and told him what happened and he was mad only because his son lives here. What if she knows I got her jumped I mean it's not that hard to find out.

Melvin POV

Milli calls me and told me Mariah trashed her place ofc imma care my son lives with her most of the time. So I decided to call Mariah

Me: Hey bae

Mariah: I knew you would come to your senses

Me: Can you come back home

Mariah: Now you want me back

Me: Yes

Mariah: Ok but no promises

Me: Gurl bring yo ass home

Hang up

I drive home and I sat in dark waiting on her to walk though the door. At this point Melvin was out and I'm surprised cause Melvin really don't care for kids but since Melly loves his kid, he'll protect it.

Mariah walks through the door Melvin gets up and locked the door behind him. She walks up to him and he slaps her

Mariah: Please nooo
Melvin puts out his gun with a silencer and shoots her in head. He stands over her body and watches the blood flow out.

Milli POV

At the police station filing a police report on her. Like what I do to you that would make you do this. I worked hard that house and you come along and fuck it up

Later that day

Milli picked up Zayie calls Melly tell him she coming to his house.

Melly POV

I just finished clean up the mess Melvin made. I heard a knock at the door I open it.

Zayie: DADDY

Me: Hey jhit

Milli looks so sad

Me: You ok

Milli: No like I worked hard for that and now it's all gon like she burned up all my furniture and pictures.......his baby pictures and all my clothes and his clothes everything is gone (she breaks down crying)

Me: Ay shhhh it going to be ok you don't have to worry about her anymore

Milli: That's why I filed a police report

Ha square ass always wanna go to 12 fa shit

Me: You what

Milli: I went to the police

Me: Why

Milli: Niiigggaaa she fucked up my shit

Me: ok ok chill out you can stay here if you want

Milli: You serious

Me: Ya we family at the end of day

Milli gives him a small smile

Melly is thinking about what he going to if people found out Mariah is dead.

His thoughts: I might blame it on Chris since she fucked him

Milli: What imma wear

Me: I got some her clothes here



Milli & Melly: Don't say that

Zayie: whyyy

Melly: You like ass whoopings

Zayie: Ight you got a point

Milli laughs cause she never him act like a parent

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