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Rico POV

Me: Hey you

Jasiah: Wassup

They kiss

Jasiah: You ready

Me: yeah

He starts driving to the movies

Milli POV

Me: Baby

Melly: Yeah

Me: You been feeling ok lately

Melly: Yeah why

Me: Well the other day I saw your eyes turn black and your voice got real deep like it was kinda demonic

Melly looks like he about to shit himself, it was kinda funny to watch I never seen a thug look scared before

Melly POV

Me: Whaa nah jit you trippin

Milli: Ik what I saw

Me: Ok then when it happen

Milli: When you was in the mirror

Melvin: Ain't no getting rid me of me bitch

Before I could say something I had to go the studio room, cause I didn't want my baby see me talking to myself she might leave me.

Me: Mane tf you want

Melvin: For you to came back to hell this ain't for me no more

Me: Tf you talm bout I ain't going back

Melvin: Ight let's make a deal I get 12 hours you get 12 hours

Me: Tf no you stupid I got a family that you don't give a fuck about

Melvin: You didn't give a fuck when you cheated and besides I can treat Milli better

He laughed at what he just said

Me: Nigga that was you YOU FUCKED HER NOT ME!! and say you gon take my wife nigga I will end us both ya heard me

Melvin: Nigga you ain't do shit

Me: Bet

I go into the bathroom and after a while of looking I finally find my pills to keep Melvin away.

As I was about to put the pill in my mouth Melvin tried to take over, which caused me to pass out so now me and Melvin fighting in my head space.

Milli POV

I heard a aloud thump which caused Quez to wake up. I walk around the house to see how the noise came from. Only to see Jamell passed out on the bathroom and pills everywhere I grab the pill bottle.

The have the name Antipsychotic on it, I tried to wake him up, it wasn't working so I grabbed my phone to call 911 but then I saw his eyes moved.

This shit was scary I'm glad Zayie not here to see this.

Me: Jamell

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