My Name, Your Name, Our Name

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I know I said that I have writer's block and I really do have writer's block but when I work on writing one shots, ideas just come flowing out of me. Maybe it's becuase writing one shots is like writing a new story... And I like writing new stores... Not that I don't like writing old ones... But it's just that I like writing new ones... Digging myself a hole here...

Alexa's POV








Jess Sykes, my best friend, wants me to go to her house to do 'homework'. More like fool around then do homework at 1 AM. But after her constant begging, I had finally agreed. I've known Jess long enough to know that she is VERY stubborn and definitely won't let me go home.

"Great! Let's go then!"

She grabbed my hand then started dragging me to the exit of our school. According to her, I need to go to her house ASAP because 'You and Nathan were meant to be!'. My reaction was "Who the heck is Nathan?" Then my second reaction was "You are NOT playing Cupid."

 "Is this Nathan character going to be there?" I asked. Jess stopped walking.

"You don't know who Nathan is?" She asked incredulously. I shook my head. "You, my friend, have been living under a rock." She said then continued dragging me. Well if he's just her brother and I have never met him before, how am I supposed to know who he is?! Jess needs to use her noggin.

"Here we are." Jess said happily. Her house looked so warm and welcoming, I just wanted to burst inside and look for hot chocolate. It's pretty cold here in London. Well... when is it not?

"C'mon Ally. Let's go inside."

She then yanked me inside. I was greeted by the smell of burnt cookies and weird smelling milk.

"Oh no. They used the kitchen." Jess mumbled. I stared at her curiously.

We walked deeper into the house and into the kitchen. Inside the kitchen, there were five boys hustling about trying to clean up a mess that I'm guessing they made. We stared at them as they spilled flour, poured burnt cookies in the garbage, wiped the counter and dumped milk down the sink.

"Boys?" Jess said loudly. They all stopped what they were doing and turned around slowly to look at Jess and I. Mainly Jess.

"This is Alexa, call her Ally and she's 18. This is The Wa- the boys I was talking about. Jay, Siva, Max, Tom and my brother, Nathan." I smiled at them then waved awkwardly. An awkward silence filled the air.

"Sooo... what did you boys do?" I asked trying to break the awkward tension.

"Making cookies." Jay shrugged. I nodded slowly.

"Then why did you take out the lettuce and the carrots?" I asked again.

"You don't need lettuce and carrots for cookies?" Jay asked. Jess and I face palmed. I sighed then smiled.

"No, you do now need lettuce and carrots for cookies."


I looked to my left and saw that Jess had disappeared. Suddenly, Jay's, Siva's, Max's and Tom's phone beeped. They glanced at it quickly then shoved it back into their pocket. Except for Max who just carelessly threw it on the table.

"Would you like some help with making cookies?" I asked. They all nodded.

"Sorry. I need to go buy some... Skittles. Be back soon!" Jay said then ran out. 

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