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The witheringly sarcastic drawl of Severus Snape could be heard throughout 12 Grimmauld Place. It was the eleventh of January and for Athene Malfoy, Christmas came and went. It had been months since she had seen her brother, and she was honestly starting to believe that the order just enjoyed keeping her prisoner. Whenever she asked after Draco, Lupin, or Sirius, or even Dumbledore would simply tell her that he was "being taken care of." Of course she knew that to be bullshit. Dumbledore couldn't care less for Slytherins, least of all the ones whose parents are death eaters.

Severus Snape was sat in the kitchen of 12 Grimmauld Place. Across from him sat Padfoot and Moony, both men still did not fail to agitate him, despite it being years since their time at school together.

"What I'm saying, Snivellus," Sirius started, "is that I will not be having you snoop through my Godson's thoughts."

Severus rolled his eyes. "Black, you never were the smartest, but I implore you to understand how important it is that Harry learns occlumency. The Dark Lord can see into his mind!"

"Let Remus teach him then! He is a Defence against the Dark Arts professor after all. What the fuck does a potions master know about it?" He sneered back.

"Mr Lupin will be teaching Miss Malfoy occlumency, Mr Black." Came the calm voice of Dumbledore. 

Athene was hovering outside the door, at the mention of her name, she entered the room. 

"I'd rather Snape teach me. Harry can have Lupin." 

"What so you two can go and make up little death eater plots together?" Sirius muttered, "fat chance."

"Shut up, Sirius." Athene and Remus said in unison. 

"I have made the decision," Dumbledore started, sounding slightly agitated. "I trust Professor Snape with my life, he will be the one to teach Harry occlumency whilst he is at Hogwarts, and Mr Lupin will assist Miss Malfoy whilst she is here."

"And how does this help Draco, may I ask?" Athene spat back.

"You are of no use to the order, Athene. At present, if the ministry even caught sight of you, we'd all be sent to Azkaban in an instant. You aren't under your father's protection anymore. The least you can do is protect your mind from the Dark Lord."

She rolled her eyes. Of course she knew he was right, what purpose had she really served since her arrival? Any information that she had, had been taken from her within the first week, and now she was just a witch with wandless magic with no where to use it. Before any one could argue anymore, a witch with bright-pink hair entered the room. Athene rolled her eyes. How the fuck could one person be so bubbly all the bloody time?

"Wotcher Professors!" She said to Dumbledore and Snape. "Sirius, Remus." She nodded as a blush began to creep up her neck. Remus had been wondering if she remembered telling him that she loved him on Christmas day. He doubted it. But, of course, she did remember, she wondered what he thought.

"Tonks, Remus, you two will be escorting Harry, Ron, Hermione and the remaining Weasley's back to Kings Cross Station."

Tonks and Remus stared at each other awkwardly. The man cleared his throat and shifted uncomfortably whilst the witch just stared at her feet.

"I assume that is okay with the two of you?" Dumbledore asked, sensing the tension.


"Oh, of course."

The two spoke at the same time. Dumbledore chuckled, his eyes twinkling. 

"Can I go?" Athene asked.

ATHENE {remus lupin}Where stories live. Discover now