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Athene, Tonks, Remus and Fred apparated to Hogsmeade with ease, there didn't appear to be any death eaters in the village, thankfully. However, it was eerily quiet and a lot of shops were completely destroyed, Athene stared sadly into the dress shop where she had watched Fleur try on her wedding dress for the first time. The destruction of the village felt like an erasure of her past, apparently her three companions were thinking the same as they looked around. There were dementors circling the school.

"It's cold," Tonks commented, watching as her breath formed in the air.

"Well spotted," Fred half joked.

"It shouldn't be cold," Tonks snapped back. "It's May."

"It's because of the amount of dementors," Athene muttered, she looked to Remus, "isn't it?"

He smiled at her, "it is, yes."

"Reminds me of the last year of school."

Remus nodded again and Fred sighed.

"Merlin they were bloody everywhere, weren't they?"

"Yeah," Athene said with a grimace. She smiled, "Harry fainted, I remember Draco taking the piss."

Remus rolled his eyes, "Slytherins," he huffed.

"Indeed," Fred said, nudging a smiling Athene.

They glanced to the end of the street and saw that The Three Broomsticks was still lit up.

"Fancy a butterbeer?" Athene joked.

"I think fifth year me would have fainted if he ever heard you say that to me." Fred responded with a smirk.

"I think six months ago you would have," she laughed.

"Please," Fred said in mock seriousness, "I realised that there is someone else for you," he said, cocking his head forwards to where Remus and Tonks walked ahead. "He's good for you."

"Shut up, Fred," Athene said with a smile, nudging him with her elbow.

"At least we can be friends now," the man said to her.

"I'm glad we're friends, Freddie."

Fred scrunched up his nose, "don't call me that."

"George does!"

"George is allowed."

Athene rolled her eyes and tugged the man to catch up with Remus and Tonks. She looped her arm through her cousin's and led her towards Madam Rosmerta, who was cleaning the front of her pub.

"Rosmerta," Tonks said with a smile.

"Merlin's beard!" The woman said, wrapping her arms around the pink haired witch. "You have no idea how much hope just seeing you all gives me."

"Good," Tonks said, hugging her back. She held the woman at arm's length, "how are you? How's everything?"

Rosmerta shrugged, "I'm okay, bloody terrifying being here though, the death eaters are here constantly. Business is non existent, the new headmaster doesn't allow any Hogsmeade visits, so that's my busiest weekends gone..." She tailed off, "I guess I should just be grateful to have my life, when so many have lost theirs. I was so sorry to hear about your father, Nymphadora, Ted really was a great man."

Athene smiled as Tonks' hair darkened a little at the mention of her full name, but the witch didn't correct the woman. 

"Thank you, it was extremely hard for all of us."

"How is 'Dromeda?"

"She's okay, coping."

"Keeping busy?"

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