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It was nearly November and Athene was miserable. She scarcely saw Tonks as there were frequent muggleborn attacks which needed investigating, and her days were spent training with Fleur, Fred, and George. They were all powerful but did not have experience fighting against wandless magic, so, by the end of each day, she was utterly exhausted. Draco had not responded to her letter so she assumed that he was proud of his new title as a death eater. Her days with Fleur in the garden had stopped due to the snow, and she was beginning to feel as trapped as she had at 12 Grimmauld Place when she first arrived there.

Fleur and Bill would go out, to Hogsmeade, or to Diagon Alley, despite the safety warnings. And Fred and George still had their joke shop running so they were constantly away. Charlie was between the burrow and Romania and Arthur was at work every day. It was only her and Molly in the house most days.

Not that she hadn't grown to like the woman- she had- but the mood of the burrow was definitely different to how it had been in summer. Every day, Molly would desperately read the Prophet, praying that there had been no attacks on Hogwarts, or in Hogsmeade, or in Arthur's division in the ministry, and it made Athene want to scream. 

Of course, she understood Molly's worry and concern. It was a natural maternal instinct, but she knew nothing of her family. Her brother was potentially on the edge of death and she had no way of knowing what he was doing or where he was. She looked forward to Harry and the others returning for Christmas. Not only for Molly's sake, but for her own as well. Perhaps they could reassure her that Draco was acting normal.

Fleur and Bill came rushing in through the kitchen door, covered in snow and clutching bags.

"Come, come," Fleur said, grabbing Athene's hand, "your room, now!"

The two women sat on Athene's bed, Fleur had a huge grin on her face. 

"Dora? Where is she? She said she'd be here today?"

"I don't know I havent'-"

A door slammed downstairs and Fleur grabbed Athene's hand again and dragged her downstairs. Tonks stood in the door way.

"Bonjour! Bonjour!" Fleur shouted to the witch, the two pecked each other on the cheek and Tonks ran to Athene and hugged her. 

"I- We have news!" Fleur started, clutching Bill's hand. "William and I, we have decided that we shall have... four bridesmaids!"

Molly smiled, as much as she struggled to like Fleur, she loved wedding preparation. 

"First of all- William- you say."

Bill smiled and coughed, "Ginny, of course." Molly clasped her hand to her chest and smiled gratefully at the couple. "And Gabrielle, Fleur's sister."

Fleur was grinning like a Cheshire cat, "and the last two... is you two!"

Tonks laughed and hugged the woman, Athene smiled but shook her head. 

"Fleur... I'm so honored, but I can't be at your wedding can I? I'm wanted."

Fleur laughed, "and that is where lovely fairy godmother Mrs Weasley comes in!"

Mrs Weasley laughed and spoke,

"Dumbledore is working on getting your charges dropped. He did the same for Snape way back when. I thought it may cheer you up to be able to leave the house alone."

Athene'e eyes brimmed with tears and she hugged the woman, whispering "thank you," in her ear.

"So," Fleur started, "now both of you, come upstairs!"

"So these," the French witch said excitedly, pulling bundles of black tulle and lace out of her bag, "are your dresses! I got two different kinds so you don't look the same, one is short and one is long. They are different," she pointed at her two friends, "you will love them."

ATHENE {remus lupin}Where stories live. Discover now