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"The ministry has fallen."

It was as if everyone in the marquee took a second following Kingsley's announcement, there were several nervous glances around, as if wondering if it were really true. For a split second, it was deadly silent.

Fleur's relatives were the first to apparate, she had shoved Gabrielle in the direction of her parents and told them to leave. They did. As soon as some begun to apparate, many more did too. The tent was still full and the panic had made lights go out, screams and sobs could be heard as witches and wizards processed the downfall of the wizarding world as they knew it.

Tonks had pulled out her wand and ran away from Athene the second she had heard, perhaps her auror instincts kicking in. Athene stood helplessly for what felt like minutes, but was in reality seconds. She didn't know who to look for. Fleur? Ginny? Harry? Remus? Molly? She could see none of them. Of course she could just apparate back to Remus' house, but that felt wrong. She wasn't going to leave without anyone. She had to know that people were safe.

Fleur and Bill were running towards her with their hands clasped together. Athene's heart broke for the sobbing woman and she briefly recalled how she had promised her friend that this would be the best day of her life. She rushed to the couple and Fleur grabbed her hand.

"Stay with me," Fleur shouted across the commotion.

"Of course," Athene replied.

 Before she could protest or say anything, Athene was experiencing the familiar rushing, dizzy feeling of apparating. She landed on a cold, hard floor with a gasp. Fleur was knelt in front of her, still in her wedding dress, and she could hear Bill muttering spells. She looked up at her best friend. Her hair was tousled and there was makeup smudged all over her face. She truly looked heartbroken.

As Fleur helped her up, Athene managed to finally take in her surroundings. She was standing in a small kitchen, through the window she could see cliffs and the ocean. The thrashing of waves could be heard even from behind closed doors. Wherever she was truly was beautiful.

"Fleur-" Athene breathed, but noticed that she too was admiring the room and view.

"It's beautiful, William," she said quietly, kissing her husband. She turned around to where Athene was leaning against the kitchen counter, "it's our house. Mine and William's. He- he only told me about it at the wedding."

"Oh- congratulations," Athene said shakily, feeling that it was quite a stupid thing to say in light of current events.

"It'll be a safe house for the order soon, too." Bill said to Athene. 

"Nice," Athene nodded. Fleur waved her wand and the three were in normal clothes. Athene felt as if she was going to be sick.

"Why did you bring me here?" Athene asked. Fleur stared at her as if she had asked a ridiculous question.

"You're my best friend, I love you. I saw you and I grabbed you. It's one more person that I know is safe."

Athene nodded, "but everyone else..."

Fleur sighed and rubbed her temple, "I just wanted us to get somewhere safe..."

Athene reached for her friend's hand, "I know, I understand completely, thanks Weasley." She said weakly. Fleur smiled slightly at that.

Bill came in from outside, "the house is protected as much as I can. I'm the secret keeper, we should be safe from any... unwanted visitors."

"Do you think they would have shown up at the wedding, William?" Fleur asked sadly.

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