Chapter 2

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Edric tiredly dragged his feet across the forest floor, his sleepiness deciding to set in now. Normally, he would've turned back, deciding that this wasn't important right now but the thought of finding the snow pushed him forward. Every time he thought of turning back, he reminded himself of why he came out here.  He then looked up. seeing the knee and was filled with instant happiness. The thought of seeing the snow gave him the strength and energy to climb the mountain. He hopped over rocks and walked to where they were training. He knew they had trained there because he saw the tree Amity had destroyed. This filled him with hope as he began searching for the snowball. He made many footprints in the snow as he looked for his long-lost love. He then tripped on a rock, groaning as he hit the ground. He then looked in front of him, his eyes then grew wide as he saw what was in front of him.

(Cliffhanger on chapter 2! Also thank, you for all the votes! Did not expect people to find this story that fast. Will try to update often!)

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