10| You get hurt

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10th Doctor

You were currently running from aliens, which was a common occurrence when traveling with the Doctor, but it was thrilling and you loved it, you were becoming slower there was no doubt about that you were tired, and out of breath. You were behind the doctor by a bit. You get something hit you, but you didn't stop, you just placed a hand where you felt the pain and kept running. You finally made your way back to the Tardis, you followed the doctor in and shut the door behind you. You moved your hand to see that you were bleeding from your stomach, you fell back on the door, he looked at you, "Y/N" he said worried

"Yeah, I was shot," you said and slid down so you were sitting. He came over and placed his hand over your wound,

"I'm okay," you lied, you don't want him to worry, you don't like him worrying over you, but you had no say in it, he was going to worry. You felt your body weaken and everything went black, you woke up and you wound was... you got out of your bed and made your way to the console room,

"You should be Resting," he said to you

"I'm fine, I promise," you said and kissed him

11th Doctor

You were running away from the Cyberman, the Doctor grabbed your hand and ran with you they shot something at you and the Doctor, you thought you were going to be fine but you looked down and saw the wound that the shot had created. You tightened your grip of the doctors hand and he looked at you. His face fell from the thrill of running, to a worried looked, over his wound. You got into the Tardis and he ran over to the controls and got you out of there, he ran back over to you and and grabbed your arms and sat you down in a chair,

"Are you okay?" He asks

"What do you think," you said simply, and sarcastically

"Sorry, stupid question," he said and placed his hand next to the wound "we need to do something about this," . The TARDIS did something and you became better, and able to walk, he still wanted you to rest though

"I'm fine," you said to him, not wanting to rest

"I know, but you need to rest," he said and you gave up.

"Okay, okay, I'll go," you said giving him a peck on the lips and going to your room

12th Doctor

You were traveling with the doctor and clara for about a year, you just witnessed the the ship under the flood with the ghosts, you were currently with clara, you were accidentally left behind along with Clara and you were scared because a ghost of the doctor showed up and you were scared. You kept pacing back and forth only one person who was aloud out and he was currently out there.

Myself, clara and the last person. Left the one place we were safe, you ran into the kitchen and tripped over something, you cut your arm, but you couldn't stop.

Eventually. The doctor came back, turned out he was fine, he was safe. You hugged him tightly and he looked at your arm,

"Are you okay?" He said

"I'm fine, really I'm fine," you said to him.

"Are you sure," he said and you nodded

"I was worried about you," you said "don't ever do that to me again, okay,"

"I won't, I promise," he smiled, you smiled back to him. You had a bandage around you scar, and you went back to the Tardis and you went on with your adventures.

13th Doctor

The Master, he was back, well you found him again, somehow he realised that you and the doctor were together, an used you to blackmail the doctor, he had one knife next to your neck and had one next to your waist,

"Let her go," the doctor said

"Why should I, you took everything from me, so I'll take her from you," he said and sliced the knife across your waist. You winced at the pain and the doctor became very mad

"I told you to let her go!" She said make sternly
He pushed you to the floor, she ran to you and you winced as she grabbed you

"Just get him, I'll be fine," you said and she looked at you, you nodded "go,"

Eventually she came back and helped you back to the Tardis, she let the TARDIS do its thin and help you out, you were put into your Bed and she told you to rest. You protested but eventually gave up, and just laid in bed.

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