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A month into the school year, September 28, 2011, Isabella

"Bye mom!" I scream as I walk out the door, she waves goodbye still not taking her eyes off her phone. I roll my eyes and take out my phone, I decided to text my friend just to make sure she'll meet me in the student parking lot. I get in my car and turn on the engine, the radio was off but I didn't mind. I don't listen to music anyways. After fifth teen minutes of driving, I finally make it to school and get out of the car.

I see students walking towards the front gates and towards the student parking lot, I see my friend Skylar and wave to her. "Skylar, come here!" I whine, she runs to me and gives me a quick hug. I don't hug her back though, I was never a hugger. Just the thought of touching people made me sick, but when it comes to dating then I'm fine with it. "Hey, oh my god I have so many things to tell you. Ugh, where do I start?! Oh yeah so last night Calum came to my house and we went up to my room and we started doing the nasty and-" "Skylar shut up!" I scream, she was talking way to fast but all I know is that she had sex with Calum. "I don't want to hear about your sex life, I've already told you about this, I really don't care how many guys you've slept with." I roll my eyes and go through my purse, I finally take out my Chapstick and place it on my lips making them moisturized.

"I'm sorry but I just really think Calum is the one." She says with a sigh, I laugh as we walk inside school. "You guys have been dating for the past two years now, but whatever I don't want to talk about this right now." I say, she stays quiet and I pat her shoulder but quickly take it off. I sometimes felt bad for her, she's my best friend but I never act like she is. I was always rude, but whatever I'm a rude person. "I'm going to calculus class, I'll see you in a bit." I wave to her and she waves back "Bye smart ass!" She yells.

I enter the classroom and sit down in my seat, later everyone enters and sits down. The bell rings and Mr.Ackerman walks towards the board, as I take out my notebook someone walks in the room. "Mr.Irwin, you're late. Again." The teacher sighs and points at the seat next to me, "You're going to sit next to Isabella for now on, maybe this time you'll do your work." Ashton laughs and walks up to me.

"You could always dream Mr.Ackerman." He says, he sits next to me and immediately puts on his earphones blasting loud music. "Um, we're supposed to take notes. So take out a piece of paper and do them." I say shyly, he rolls his eyes and puts his head down. I huff and start to take a paper and pen out, soon enough the kid next to me gets up and starts to walk towards the door. "Where do you think you're going?" The teacher yells, the boy turns to Mr.Ackerman. "I'm leaving this class, I got bored." And with that he gets out and never comes back.
"So he just got up and left like nothing?" Calum asks, I nod as I take a bite out of my salary. "Ugh, I really need ranch on this." I say in disgust, Skylar walks up to us and takes a seat. "Hey Isabella, hey babe!" She kisses Calum and he does the same. "Ew guys, you know I hate it when you two kiss in front of me." Calum gives me an apologetic look and so does Skylar. "So, what were you two talking about before I came here?" Skylar asks, I throw away the rest of my food into the trash bin that was next to me. "I was just telling Cal how that kid in my calculus class left during the middle of a lesson." I say, she shapes her mouth into an 'o' and looks across from the cafeteria.

"You mean Ashton Irwin?" Skylar questions, I turn my head and see Ashton? sitting alone. "That's his name?" I ask, Skylar and Calum both nodded at the same time. "How do you know his name?" "My brother Luke knows him!" She says, I roll my eyes. "Speaking of Luke, is he still smoking pot?" I ask "Yup, I swear this is all Harry's fault. If he never met him in the first place Luke still would be clean from drugs!" She says getting angry, Calum hugs Skylar quickly to make her calm. "Yeah, Styles is a drug dealer so I wouldn't be surprised that he offered it to him. He always targets the ones who don't do drugs just so they get into it, trust me he's offered me before." I say, Skylar looks at me and gives me a quick smile. "But don't you smoke?" Calum asks, I sigh and lean back on the chair. "Yeah I do but just cigarettes, nothing else." "But aren't you a little too young?" Calum asks, I shake my head in annoyance and get up from the seat. "I'm sixteen Hood, anyways I have to go to my calculus class. The teacher wants me to tutor some kid after school for the rest of this school year, and I have to tutor him everyday so let's see who this kid is." As I start to turn around Skylar whispers, "What if it's that Ashton kid?" I turn around immediately and look at her straight in the eye. "If it is then I'll kill you." Once I said that I left to the classroom.

I knocked in the door for a few seconds and with my 'luck' Ashton opens the door. "Um, why are you in this class right now?" I ask "Because Mr.Ackerman made me come here, why are you here?" He says, I ignore him and get in the class room where I see Mr.Ackerman sitting in the same seat that he always sits in. "Isabella, glad you came here! Listen I need you to tutor Ashton. He has a very low grade and luck for you, you have the highest grade in the class!" He says in his usual cheerful voice, my eyes widen and I turn to Ashton where he too has wide eyes. "Wait, so you're telling me I'm going to be tutoring him every single day after school for the rest of the school year!" I say in a high voice, Ashton rolls his eyes and leans against the door. "Yup, now now the bell just rang and I suggest you to get to class." He says and shoo's us out the class, Ashton looks at me and I do the same.

"So I'll see you after school, meet me in front of the school. Okay, bye." He turns around and walks away, I huff and do the same. "I'm so going to kill Skylar." I whisper furiously.

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