Yin and Yang

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Kaliyah's POV

As Yin floats after her own moon-child she gets lost in her thoughts of Kaliyah's childhood and the events that produced the woman she sees now.

Oh, my little Hoshi, I know you are hurting and blaming yourself for this misstep in your case. But that's not the root of your frustrations. The Root is not having a mortal family that cared. With your physical parents now, the interactions are that of a business meeting not the familial love you so crave even now. When you let the sweet rare moments of you expressing your love freely slip through your stone walls, those moments I cherish them like gold."

Yin's thoughts continue while watching Khayliah's shoulders square off and heave with angry labored breaths heading to her personal dojo.

Your birth mother and father never thought much of you and they abused you relentlessly. Emotionally and mentally. They made you believe you were not good enough, that your best was never good enough and that you needed to push past that and strive for perfection. But you're the only one who doesn't see the power and strength you naturally possess. You wonder why others are scared or intimidated by you. My little Ryuu Hoshi, this is because the dragon spirit is at its strongest in you than it has in the last millennium.

Yin was snapped from her thoughts when Kaliyah asked "Hey mum, how is my Kyokushin form?"

Kaliyah performed the falling wheel kick but instead of landing lying down she chose to jump a bit higher while adding a little more force to her spin so she could land on either on her knee bent ready to jump in to another attack or standing to set her footing standing kick position.

Her kami-mother only smiled and stated "Ryuu it was perfect, actually you advanced it a little more than originally intended."

Kaliyah gave a confused look to the spirit " Oh really? I didn't know I was just remembering the action from a dream but also from some of my martial arts training when I was a kid."

"Oh I remember that very well and worried often. You worked yourself black and blue learning Capoeira love." Yin replied to her daughter.

Kahliyah looked at her spirit and a sad-happiness washed over her while she remembered those nights Yin talked with her while Kaliyah tended to her own wounds from that day.

Kahliyah remembers the reasoning of learning martial arts, other than her spirit-guardians wanting her to be well rounded in her reincarnated-life and power education.

The fights and beatings she got from the other kids and her birth parents not doing a thing or caring one ounce of her safety.

She hated looking weak but hated feeling weak even more. Any chance Kahliyah had she would try to assert her strength and dominance in any room, especially when the men outnumbered the females.

At these thoughts Kahliyah's new anger started to feed her already furious state.

Yin sensed the somber yet rage filled mood of her daughter and quickly changed the subject but Kahliyah practiced the boxing punches with her tai kawn do stance so she could double the train in half the time, she loves working smarter rather than harder. "So, what really happened with your case today and got your inner dragon roaring?"

"The case? Yeah, well first was the asshole Joe smaking his fucking food in my hear so I couldn't hear what was really going on with the undercover agent. I didn't hear a thing because of that asshole. I was able to see something though so that is something." Kaliyah complains.

Yin tsks her daughter "tsk, tsk, tsk, language Hoshi, watch it." Yin continues to watch her daughter and her form and is still impressed with it but expected no less from her star.

"Yeah, yeah, OK Mama, sorry." Kahilyah apologizes while still practicing but moving to her sets and drills now, which included all of the styles, Kyokushinkai, muay tai, tai chi, tae kwon do, capoeira, and boxing. She got out the training dummy. "So because of Joe I was able to see that the gang member we were tailing had a particular tattoo on his neck. It was like two cranes flying in you guys' formation. The yin and yang, but there wasn't the black and white contrast. The two cranes were the same black and grey shading."

Yin purses her lips and furrows her brows in concern and frustration knowing the symbol is familiar but could not place it no matter what so she said " Good little hoshi I'm listening."

It was Kahliyah's turn to furrow her brows going on to explain "Well figuring out that tattoo is what saved my ass, job, and the case.....for now that is. What pissed me off the most about all of this is we lost the only contact to the yakuza. I am being blamed for it all and the contact was an inmate helping the investigation and because of Joe's smoking and Sam's slow ass legs and reaction time we lost the inmate too.

Yin only shakes her head and chuckles softly " I see your pet-peeves getting to you then, huh? Ok, well if you lost the inmate yes that is bad, but what if it was for the better to 'throw' the enemy off mentally and then in turn catch them by surprise for the overall win of the case and keeping the city safe?"

Kahliyah freezes and looks at her mother dumbfounded then walks towards one of the dojo's door frames banging her head on it softly. "Mama, why do you make sense of all this and I can never see the bigger picture"

Her mother only chuckles while floating over to Kahliyah trying to make her stop banging her head. " Ryu it's because I am a third party looking in on it and so it is a very objective viewpoint." Yin strokes her daughters long dark hair.

"Sometimes I hate it when you are so logical, but at this time I love it, so thank you. Mama. I'll look into what can be done on tricking them. Apparently the yakuza boss is a real sly fox, almost as bad as Inari." Kahliyah states as her stopped banging her head and looks at her mother and hugs her.

Yin speaks into her hair asking "Did you get anything else that would have been helpful?"

Kahliyah hums in thought trying to remember and it hits her like a punch to the face, " Oh, yeah a name. Apparently, the nickname of the yakuza boss we are after is "Ryuu no Akumu" and supposedly have the same tattoo.

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