"Ryuu no Akumu"

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(Ryuu)Tatsuo's POV 

The bars to the cell slams open with contempt with the jailer yelling "Oi, Nura Tatsuo, "Ryuu no Akumu" (The Dragon Nightmare), get the fuck up! It's your day to get out! Hope you're ready to be a model citizen now.... And not steal candy again, bastard".

That sly smirk slithered across, which is known for, that face and full-lips of the notorious and fiendishly bewitching hunk of a criminal. His honed bourbon voice radiated against the walls of the cell.

"Oh, really? I didn't notice. What a lovely surprise indeed that is. Thank you for waking me from my beauty sleep oh so gently." Tatsuo thinks back to what put him here in the first place.

* * *

"Fuck it's hot ... and why the fuck am I craving chocolate all of a sudden...dark chocolate at that...". Tatsuo smacks his head in frustration, cursing his inner mind's self "I'm not a damn woman you know."

He walks down the old streets of Kobe, Japan. He had nowhere in particular to go but his body went to autopilot and made its way to the closest Dagashiya (Japanese candy store). Again he cursed himself for coming here but he didn't mind too much. He liked the old man who owned the shop. Tatsuo entered the candy shop.

With a jiggle of the doorbell, the old man in his 70s and a cane greet the entering customer with his back to the door yelling "Welcome to Hiroshi's Dagashiya", as well continued his work stocking the newly released dagashi flavors.

"Hey, geezer it's just me. You can chill," replied Tatsuo with slight boredom and underlying fondness.

The old man, "Äh, my little Ryuu how are you today?! It's been a while, you make my heart ache with worry when you don't visit often." softly scolding Tatsuo.

Tatsuo groans with only a slight irritation from that nickname, "Geezer, how many times do i have to tell you not to call me by that ridiculous and absurd nickname?" He scrolls over to the cashier's desk calmly.

"O hush boy, Ryuu is a fine name, plus you have been in and out of this shop since you were six years old so I don't wanna hear it, your nightmare." scolding Tatsuo again and states "Anyway what are you in for today?"

Replaying to the geezer Tatsuo answers the question "I'm in here for some dark chocolate. I just cannot shake the craving this time"

"Oh, really? You sure you aren't a woman there boy, do I need to check for ya?"

"Oh piss off you old fart. You know damn well I'm not a woman. You've seen my bare ass more than I'd like to admit." Tatsuo retorts back in defense.

Cackling with laughter the old man strikes back with "You damn right I have. Beaten it red-raw too damn times to cout at that. And you know what they say about craving dark chocolate right?"

Tatsuo picks up the maneki-neko sitting next to the cash register and plays with it idly while producing his response with annoyance "No, I don't know. What do they say?" whilst tching his tongue at the shop owner.

Glaring at his Ryuu he states "Watch that attitude boy or I'll smack you like you were ten years old again" while holding up his can "well that say when you crave dark chocolate, man or woman, it's because you are lacking in a basic human pleasurable pastime. In this case usually sex, exceptional sex. And when it comes to parings the cravings happen at the same time. It is the food of the gods. Who are we to deny what they plan for us, mischief or not?" The geezer narrows his eyes and looks at Tatsuo closer "tell me trouble maker what type of dark chocolate are you craving specifically?"

Running his hand to brush back the stay strands of hair from his face with vexation "Urghhh, bastard I really do not want to get in this with you, but if u must know it's sea salted dark chocolate"

Old man Hiroshi chuckles "Oh my boy. You have it bad then don't you? Your body seems to tell you that you are in need of a woman that needs taming. A woman that is enticing, peppery, and tantalizing. The sea-salt? That's an indication to her star signs so open your eyes and keep watch, dumbass."

Growling with his growing annoyance "ok, whatever old man. That's a bunch of bullshit". Tatsuo looks down at his watch biting his lip and cursing. "Fuck-nuggets I'm late for the clan's meeting"

He darts for the door while grabbing two sea-salted chocolate bars on his way out while yelling over his shoulder "Oi, gramps I'm aking two of these put on the tab will ya!"

"Goddamnit kid! You already own me 2000 yen ($19.10 USD)." Hiroshi yells back but just pulls out his ledgers and marks it down for his Ryuu making his new total 2500 yen ($23.88) as he whispers to himself "Little Ryuu, she is closer than you think and today is the day, dumbass."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2020 ⏰

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