Chapter 11

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Loki assisted Verda in placing the necklace around her neck and fastening the clasp. As he had done so, he had taken note of the Midgardian clothing Verda appeared to be wearing. To his knowledge she had never been to Midgard. Of course there were books and other information available on Asgard concerning the realm. Perhaps she had consulted them...but why was she there in the first place...and with Sif of all people? The first and last time she had spoken to Sif, she had threatened to kill her. It hadn't exactly boded well for the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

Loki found those questions crowded out in his mind by what he had just experienced. His heart ached recalling the vision of an einherjar informing him of his mother's death as he sat helplessly locked away in a cell after he had thoughtlessly and inadvertently sent her murderer in her direction. He could still feel the Titan's grip around his neck. He could not consciously remember all of the memories of a life that he had not and would not now live. They had washed over him as a river swiftly flowing over its banks, though he was sure the entirety of it was locked away within his mind somewhere. He at least grasped the overarching theme of the narrative. What he did recall was more than enough to chill him to the marrow of his bones.

He had been correct in his feeling that it had been fate that had brought him, Selvig, Jane, and Darcy together. They'd both had a role in his visions as well, though very different ones than they now played, at the moment Loki unable to recall every detail.

What he remembered most from the visions, however, was not any specific event, but the pain. Not physical but of another sort, the mental and emotional equivalent of a wound not unlike Thor's that had grown and festered. Each act he'd committed in response to that pain had only led to more of the same as if he existed in some hellish loop. Unfortunately the experience had not given him any insight related to Thor's murder as he had hoped, only raising more questions, though he at least had the satisfaction of knowing he was right. The trajectory of his life had been altered, though why and how that had been accomplished he didn't know. The 'why' was at least as important as the 'how.' Based on what he could recall, he would be glad of it if it were not for Thor's death. Had the only possible way for him to avoid the madness, the darkness he had succumbed to in that aborted future been for his brother to die?

Verda held the pendant in the palm of her hand, appearing to be making a thoughtful study of it. It seemed to Loki her countenance was of one that had believed something to be but a myth and now had been handed tangible proof of its existence.

"Thank you...I will wear it always," Verda said before embracing Loki, "Though as it is fit for a queen as you say, I'm not worthy of it."

"My father didn't believe me fit to be a king." Loki responded.

"As you will prove to him, your father was wrong...not for the first time," Verda replied.

Loki was somewhat shocked at Verda's statement. It seemed to him that just about everyone but himself believed Odin to be infallible.

"You should dress," Verda said as she spied the bag that had held the stones on top of Loki's folded clothing, picking it up, "I'll collect them."

"No...I don't want you to put yourself in any danger."

"There is nothing they could tell me," Verda said, "I knew what they were. I wanted to know if you did. My sister used to speak of them. I suppose it's easier for a Prince of Asgard to obtain such things."

"I stole them from a purveyor of rare goods I'd had dealings with in the past. I'm sure he acquired them by similar means. I replaced them with imitations. I wouldn't be at all surprised if he has yet to realize. By the time he does, he will have no idea who it was that took them. It wasn't a matter of being unable to meet his price. I wanted no one to know I possess them."

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