Chapter 14

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Ragna stood beside the soul forge, Verda lying upon it as Thor had the last time Loki had found himself in the healing room only days before. Ragna examined the golden representation of Verda's body projected above her with concern.

"The wound is superficial but as was the case with Thor it is not healing. If it follows the same course it will soon begin to necrotize. The infection will spread throughout her body."

"Is there anything that can be done?" Loki asked anxiously.

"I could attempt to debride it, to remove the tissue around it. She would suffer scarring, though that is a minor concern and I can minimize it a great deal. However, we're dealing with magic of a very nefarious sort. It would be fruitless and also hasten her end if the whole of her body has been affected. Unfortunately there is no way to know."

"Yes there is," Loki said approaching the soul forge on the opposite side of Ragna.

Before Ragna realized what Loki was about to do, he produced one of his daggers, sliding the sleeve of Verda's gown upwards to expose her forearm, using the blade to inflict a small wound, little more than a scratch that for any healthy Asgardian would heal quickly within a minute or two. Loki and Ragna watched with baited breath for any sign of healing.

Loki's heart sank, his world shattering as the wound remained unchanged. His vision blurred with tears, he placed his hand over his mouth, stifling a vocalization of anguish as he turned away. After a few more moments, Ragna silent as there was nothing to be said, Loki composed himself though remaining with his back to the healer.

"How long?" he asked.

"If it progresses at the same rate...considering her wound involves far less tissue than your brother's, a day, perhaps two."

"Loki..." Frigga said as she entered, Loki turning towards her as she rushed to her adopted son, "I had only just left her. How is she?"

"The wound is minor...the weapon was cursed," Loki informed Frigga, she embracing Loki.

Loki stepped away from his mother to the soul forge, lifting Verda from it into his arms once again.

"If her fate is to die she will do so in our own bed," Loki said, carrying Verda in the direction of the door, Frigga joining him.

"Wait..." Ragna said, Loki and Frigga halting and turning to the healer as she approached, Verda's necklace in her hand, Frigga taking it from her.


Coulson rose from the chaise in Loki's chambers, an object wrapped in cloth in his hands, as the doors opened. Loki entered looking grim, Verda in his arms. Frigga followed behind Loki, noticing Coulson. Without a word to him, Loki headed in the direction of the doorway that led to the bedchamber. Frigga continued to follow Loki, assuming from his lack of response to Coulson that his presence in Loki's chambers was expected.

"I am Frigga, Loki's mother," Frigga said to Coulson, her face devoid of the usual smile she would have given upon meeting someone under rosier circumstances.

"Phil Coulson. I'm an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.," Coulson replied, introducing himself as he followed Frigga.

"Seeing as you are not in the dungeon I must assume my son has found you innocent."

"Yes, m'am...Mrs. Odin...your majesty?" Coulson floundered.

"Frigga will suffice."

"I'm investigating the murder of your son," Coulson explained.

"You do this willingly?" Frigga asked.

"Define 'willingly.' I had the choice between that or spending the rest of my life in a box eating insects."

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