Chapter 10

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Loki had awakened, throwing off the blanket covering him, the morning sunlight rapidly raising the temperature on the rooftop so that it was quickly becoming uncomfortable. Returning the blanket, pillow, and radio to Jane who was already up and working at her computer, thanking her again for the use of them, he stepped into the former office to change so as not to disturb Selvig who he was sure would not be rising for some time, Loki certain he would regret doing so when he did. Reluctantly, he returned his clothing to the white and khaki shades. Loki informed Jane, who had turned her attention from the computer to a device in her hands, that he was going off on another 'excursion' and would return. She had nodded thought Loki wasn't at all sure that she had processed what he had said, so intensely was she studying the device's display.

Loki arrived at his destination, Darcy having pointed it out to him the day before, just as a man appearing to be in his mid 30's Loki assumed to be the proprietor of the business was unlocking the door and invited Loki inside. The transaction had not taken long and after he had been instructed on how to use it and producing Selvig's credit card he had pocketed the night before, Loki exited with a phone in his possession.


Phil Coulson continued to study the photographs, holding the magnifying glass over one and then another, disbelieving what he appeared to be seeing when the cellphone he had placed on his desk nearby began to ring.

"Coulson," the S.H.I.E.L.D agent answered.

"Phil Coulson? Of the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division?" a voice Coulson didn't recognize inquired through the phone.

"Yes. Speaking," Coulson answered curiously as he sat up straight in his chair.

"I have your card," the voice informed him.

"In the bottom right hand corner...the number?" Coulson asked the caller.

"Three hundred twenty five."

"What's your location?"

"New Mexico, a town called Puente Antiguo," the caller informed him, Coulson turning to the computer on his desk, entering the information.

"I can be there at six. Is there a place you'd like to meet?" Coulson asked.

"The Bridge Bar."

"Six o'clock. The Bridge Bar," Coulson repeated before the call disconnected.

Coulson sat the phone down, running the short conversation through his mind again. The voice didn't sound quite like the man to whom he knew he had given his card numbered 325 and whose call he had been awaiting, If he was in a small town in New Mexico it could have been due to a bad connection but it made Coulson uneasy, especially considering the circumstances under which he had met with the man before and had given him his card.


Loki looked down at the phone in his hand as he put Coulson's card back into his pocket. That had been too easy. The elaborate story Loki had concocted had not been necessary. No matter, he would soon have the answers he sought. He found himself once again passing by the clothing store, glancing through the window at the mannequin. He would sleep in his own bed that night and he did not plan on doing so alone.

At the business next to the clothing store, a woman appearing to be in her 40's wearing a gray skirt suit had just unlocked the door and turned the sign to display the word 'open.' Loki's eyes perused the baubles in the window, gold and gemstones glittering. The phone call had been far shorter than he expected. He had time. Unable to resist, he stepped inside.

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