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Jack was drinking his oolong tea while sitting there and staring with disbelief at his friend that was sitting still next to him looking the same as he did decades ago.

"So you apparently are a bit older than fourty-five," Jack grinned and the Count turned away his eyes from the book just to look at the other man.

If God exists, Jack thought, I might thank him for sending me back in time again.

"What, me? Or you?" Weldon playfully murmured as both of them laughed.

"By the way, haven't noticed any servants. Were you born after 1930s or are you just a very modern man with high morals?" Jack asked with so much curiosity on his face that it made the Count smile.

"Well, definitely should wait for 1930s, then. I have two people that serve me; my valet, obviously, and another servant that is a footman."

"And no people that could cook," Jack noticed as he raised his perfect brow.

"I can cook and do everything by myself, if I am being honest, but people are always looking at someone like me and trying to understand how and why somebody lives like this."

"But I doubt that you actually eat normal human food," Jack glanced at Alchemist to see him nodding.

"Should I prepare something for you?"

"No, don't," Jack said as he put his hand on the other man's knee. "I learned how to cook after 1930s, so there is no need for you to do that. And, besides, I'm not too hungry."

"Oh? If you say so... But, Jack, wait, I don't think I understand, how can you be here, then? You talk about 1930s as if you went through them," Weldon grumbled quietly.

"I come from the future, you come from the past, when we met, it's present," Captain gently smiled.

"Okay... I think, I get it."

Am I imagining or did Welton just looked at my lips while licking his? God, save me.

"Oh, England... Soon will the 19th century start, that's why I still might have some plans on not going back to England for a longer time, I'm afraid, and this makes me so angry," Captain sighed as he slurped his already cold tea.

"Why is it so, darling?" Count's fingers where slowly dancing on Captain's hand that was still on Welton's knee.

"I lived through that time in England, I probably should write my lifestory down properly, wouldn't be too good if we meet my past self in the future-"

"Captain, first thing that I would like to ask is, would you like to travel with me to America then, someday? Second thing is, that I can already understand, you used advanced human technology to travel through time and space, but how? Are all humans from your future like this?"

Alchemist gulped as the Captain moved closer to him.

"America, with you... Yes, I would absolutely love to. And my journeys back through time and space are quite different, will definitely explain everything as the time passes, but not now, love. I don't know many people who live a similar life to mine."

"Well, now you do," Count smirked and went back to the book while feeling Jack's hand on his knee still.

"How about I go back to take my things with myself, come back, and you show me your servants along with the rooms?" Captain suggested.

"You better do that-" Welton shrugged as Jack stood up, "-just don't forget to get back here within the start of another century, dearest!"

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