chapter 6 - wet hair

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the rain makes irritating noises on the pavement, and I stand here freezing at the traffic lights. The odd fluttering sensation in my heart has not seemed to fade, so I try and focus on getting home, out of the rain. I won't have a bath, I don't see a point in escaping the feeling of dampness by getting wetter. I'll get back, dry off, and put on the clothes I've asked Mary-Ann (the housekeeper) to heat up. In the meantime, I stand here waiting for the stream of cars to slow, and I start to tremble. I realise with confusion that the rain has stopped falling on my head, yet it is still descending all around me.

I look up, to find a navy blue umbrella, and then to the boy attached to it. Newt stands there, smirking at me. "I was wondering when you'd notice me."

My breath hitches at the sight of him; he may be sheltered, but the rain has still gotten to him. His hair is soaked, and sticks up at all angles. Water droplets have formed on his face, and the damp has strengthened the the contrast between his pale face, and dark lips.

He chuckles, "what you looking at, Tommy?" I take a deep breath in, trying to ignore the way it makes me feel when he calls me that.

"Uhh... nothing." I say slowly, trying to remember how to act in such social situations.

The wind blows my hood down, and I reach to pull it back up. His hand reaches out to stop mine, and I feel the flutter grow louder, making it difficult to focus on anything else.

"Don't," he says, and slowly lowers my arm. I look at him confused. "I like your hair when it's wet."

"I... I like yours wet too..." I try to focus on my breathing, his hand is still holding my wrist. He slides his hand down, onto my hand, and intertwines our fingers. My thoughts are lost at this point, and I stand frozen, as he lets the umbrella fall and puts his hand to my waist, pulling me closer. He leans forward, slowly, I feel his breath, see the little flaws in his skin. He stops just before he reaches my lips, and feel light headed, as he lets out a low chuckle, a deep, dark, devious, laugh, that makes me wonder what's going on in his head.

"I'm bored, Tommy." He says, quietly, in my ear.

"Wh-what?" I whimper.

"I'm not looking for a relationship, not a normal one anyway; I'm not looking for one filled with 'I love you's and holding hands as we skip through the bloody field of daisies. No, I've had my fair share of those. I want a challenge, a game, a puzzle.... I want something to send the cogs spinning, to get the engines running. I want to be exited, interested... and I know you can give that to me... you're, intelligent, enough to; certainly. And I that's why I talked to you... you're confident, cocky, and outstandingly clever. I knew, if you put your mind to it, you could  give me what I want. But now... I'm doubting you."

I know what he means. I see what he means. He may not act like it, but he's like me; stewing in a pot of stupidity, agitated by the constant, mundane, simplicity that keeps us at bay. And I understand why he doubts me. I've been... normal, lovestruck, and disgustingly inconfident. But that stops now.

"So Tommy... what do you think."

I grab his umbrella as the lights turn green, "game on." I walk away, umbrella in hand, a confident grin on my face. I don't look back, I don't feel the need to.

This isn't going to be a normal first love; but then again, neither am I.

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