chapter 2 - behind the PE block

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(btw I'm British so if you don't understand some of the language I use just ask :) )

When I walk into chemistry the atmosphere is prickly and uncomfortable, and I soon see why; at the front of the classroom, where our usual teacher should be standing Is a stranger, and when I look around there are at least double the number of students cramped into this space.

I remember vaguely a notice we had during form time two weeks ago;  about how when Mrs Davids goes on maternity leave, budget cuts meant we can't actually afford a supply teacher, so the geniuses in financing decided it would be a good idea to merge both chemistry classes into one.

I groan internally and make my way to my usual seat at the front, just as a hand grabs my wrist and pulls me into a seat at the back. My body smacks against the plastic of the chair, and when I look at who rudely grabbed me like this I see him: the guy from yesterday. He still looks good, even in the fluorescent lighting of the lab.

"Maybe chemistry might not be so bad now." He grins confidently.

He's not trying to flirt with me... Is he? Frowning, I reply: "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Let's just say I was... Lonely."

"Maybe there's a reason for that."

He just chuckles - what the fuck? He's not even slightly affected my my hostility and that really pisses me off. He's not letting me push him away.

When the bell rings, I think I can finally be free of him, but I'm wrong. Newt grabs me again and pulls me through the busy hallway. 

"what are you doing?" I shout above the chatter.

"you don't have somewhere to be, do you?" he asks, but it's more of a statement. I wish I had somewhere to be, but I can't avoid him if he's literally dragging me across the school.

"NOOOTYYYYY!" shouts a cluster of people sitting in the path behind the PE block, where newt seems to spend all his time.

"hey minho!" he calls and the Asian guy shuffles over, making room for him and me.

"hey newt, what's with the nerd?" a girl comes over and settles on the other side of minho.

"I got bored with you slinthheads, didn't I?" he replies. "and it's nice to be around sober people for once."

"can't imagine why," another guy joins us, completing the circle. "I'm alby, I'm king here, and probably the only sane person as well." I think of shaking his hand, but manners don't seem to matter here.

newt snorts "sane? you obviously don't remember last night."

"it seems not, but I doubt you remember anything either."

"you win for now," newt says, smirking. "anyway, everyone this is Thomas, Thomas this is minho, Teresa, and of course, ably."

"uh, hi." I say, not exactly sure what the correct response is. I take out my lunch and start to search around for something I feel like, nothing. I close my lunch with a sigh and continue to listen to conversation that drifts around newt and his friends.

"you're not gonna eat that?" Teresa leans forward and gestures at my lunch. I shake my head.

"can I have some?" she asks.

"uh, yeah I guess." I answer. a childish grin fills her face as she grabs at the plastic box in front of me.

"ooh! I love these!" she exclaims, pulling out a bag of chicken bites. I watch her chow down on the diminishing remains of my lunch in the least ladylike way possible. I smile at the sight; growing up in the same house as my mum, who puts manners and grace before everything else, the sight is almost refreshing. I look at my watch, the bells about to ring, but this time I sorta wish it won't.

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