He doesn't understand, and he wouldn't.

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[Pictures in this chapter are not mine]

Anyone's POV

Asuma walked into the third hokages office with a tiny blonde boy in his arms. The hokage rose up from his chair. "My apologies for not knocking, but the villagers beat up Naruto. I got him before it could get worse, but this time it seemed to be a pretty brutal beating." Asuma spoke with a bit of worry in his tone. "Take him to get cleaned and bandaged please. I must call someone immediately." The Third ordered and Asuma left as quickly as he came in.

The Hokage called for a group of Anbu. "Sir" they each said as they bowed their heads at the hokage. "Listen closely. You know the young boy, Uzumaki Naruto I take it?" All three nodded. "I would like you to keep an eye on the boy. He has only just turned four, and he gets constant beatings by the villagers, I don't think i need to say why. He lives in his apartment. the one north from here." The hokage reminded the three. "Wolf, your in charge of this mission. The rest of you two will accompany Wolf as backup if needed. Otherwise, Let Wolf handle this. This mission might last a while, as I want you to make sure he is safe at all times, so be prepared." All three Soldiers nodded. "I will call you all when your mission begins and I will let you know his whereabouts when i'm ready. Dismissed" All three poofed away in an instant.

Asumas POV

I sat next to Naruto as he was still unconscious. Luckily i found bandages in a storage cabinet and a vacant room with a bed and some seating in the hokages tower. Though Me and the hokage are the people that Naruto trusts the most, it's not that much. If he was awake, he would never let me touch his arms to wrap them up. He doesn't speak to much because of the villagers beating him when he begged for mercy and forgiveness. He doesn't know what happened on his birthday, but he knows everyone is upset with him. He doesn't know what happened to his parents, or kurama, or the exact reason the villagers resent him.

He doesn't understand why he goes through all this hatred.

I've finished with wrapping his arms and legs, so i sit down and dim the lights a bit. I watch him sleeping. I could see it in his eyes when i jumped in front of him as his back was against a dark alleyway. His eyes had no sparkle, and i could see the i redness in his eyes. Tears were streaming down, it was just so sad to see. I wish I came sooner, but I have missions and duties to fulfill. The villagers were angered at A tiny little boy wearing a ripped up shirt 10 times the size he should be wearing. My thoughts were interrupted by Naruto beginning to wake up. He hasn't been conscious in this room before, so he thinks it's new. He's sure to freak out from fear. I pick him up and poofed to his tiny apartment. I lay him on his bed as he is still half asleep. I poof back to the hokage tower and knock on the hokages door. " I brought Naruto Back to his apartment. He's probably waking up about now." 


609 Words

Hello anyone reading this, this is my first chapter! Leave me some questions and i'll answer them, just nothing about age or stuff like that! This is my first published thing on wattpad so i hope you enjoy!

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