September-December 1915

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 Disoriented and dizzy, Amelia woke up on the parlor floor.

"Easy, Mrs. Shelby." The doctor from down the road was kneeling beside her. The rest of the party guests were hovering near to make sure she was okay. Polly was holding Amelia's hand, looking concerned.

"We should bring her to the hospital." Tommy's aunt said quietly.

"It would be easier to monitor her." The doctor agreed.

"Pol..." Amelia groaned. "Can't afford a hospital."

"Yes, we can," Polly assured her. "Come now, just take a few deep breaths."

Amelia could hear Max in the other room where Ada had taken him. He was crying and calling her name. "My baby." She whimpered. "Bring him here, please."

"It's okay, love."

"Polly, please."

She sighed softly. "Finn, go get your sister and Max."

"Mrs. Shelby, I think Polly raises a good point. She said this pregnancy hasn't been easy on you. Perhaps you need some time to relax in the hospital. Let us take care of you for a couple of days."

Ada came in with Max who rushed to his mother. "Mummy!" He cried.

"It's okay, I'm here." Amelia sat up and embraced him tightly. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I'm not going anywhere, I promise. Mummy will always be here."


Polly convinced Amelia to go to the hospital later that day. She couldn't relax though and felt worried that she wasn't home to watch over her son. The doctors said stress was only harming her and the baby. But Amelia felt there wasn't anything she could do about it. Just like everything else, she felt helpless.


It had been almost a month since Tommy had the time to receive any letters. He was so deep in the tunnels for hours on end. Any free time he had was spent getting a minimal amount of sleep. So, he received three letters all at once.

One from Amelia saying everything was going well.

One from Ada saying she missed her brothers.

And finally, one from Polly saying Amelia wasn't doing well.

"What are you doing?" Arthur asked.

Tommy opened his eyes. "I don't know."

"Thought you were falling asleep on me." His older brother tried to crack a smile. But there was hardly anything to smile about anymore. Almost two years into the war and their spirits were being broken bit by bit. Something they all thought would be impossible. It seemed nothing could break the Shelby boys. But they were broken and they hadn't even seen the worst of what was to come.

"Pol sent a letter about Mel," Tommy muttered. "Said she fainted, s'been sick and all sorts."

"It's the baby?" Arthur wondered.

"No. It's because of me. She can't handle the stress. She needs me. Max needs me and look where I am, brother." Tommy tried to wipe the grime and dirt from his face.

"Well, this ain't exactly a holiday, Tom." Arthur reminded him gently. "You didn't choose this, none of us did. I know you would walk home right now if you could. Now, Mel...Polly will help her. You know Pol. It'll be alright. Soon you'll be getting a picture of the new baby, aye? All healthy and ready to meet his dad."

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