Dream's P.O.VI grabbed a bookmark so I could make where I left off. The bookmark was a deep enchanting purple with a golden ribbon on it. Nighty always loved to get good and purple things because it matches our colors!
I set the bookmark down on the page I left off and closed the book. I then got up, but I knocked the chair over. In a bit of panic of someone seeing me I quickly disappeared.
Then, I heard someone begin to walk towards the room. I watched the door open and Ink walked in, he had broomie and was ready to fight someone.
He walked around the room, looking for someone trying to hide. When he didn't see anything he walked back to the door. He gave one last look in the room before walking out.
Even if he couldn't see me I was holding my breath the entire time, but it's not like I need to breath anymore. I sighed and walked to one of Nightmare's nightstands.
I opened it and peeked inside. In there was a fancy box. It was a pale blue and had a bright golden sun in the middle of it. Curious, I picked it up.
I grabbed the top and tried to get it open, but it didn't budge. I examined the box closer and noticed that I needed a key to open it.
Looks like I get to have my own little scavenger hunt!
I set the box down and began looking around for the key, I opened cupboard after cupboard, but I couldn't find it. I wonder where he hid it?
Then it hit me, of course it's not just in a cupboard! Night's to smart to put it in such a plain and obvious spot!
I looked around the room, but where could be have hid it? I walked around the walls with my hand on them, leaving fingerprints behind. Let's just hope no one noticed them.
Then I came to the bookshelf. Maybe it's like all those movies with one of the books actually being lever to a secret passage way of safe! I pushed and pulled each book until I came across one. When I pulled it out it made a clicking sound. I couldn't take the book either, it was stuck.
I looked around the see if anything changed. At first glance, there didn't seem to be anything wrong. But when I looked closer I noticed something under the desk. That's weird, he never had anything under there before.
I floated over to the desk and looked under. There was a basket full of flowers and other goodies. I wonder when he got this. I began digging through the basket until I found something that stuck out.
There was a box that was light purple and in the middle was a black crescent moon. I picked it up and looked at it, this box did not require a key! I opened it and looked inside.
There was a necklace and hanging from it was a golden key. If someone wore it you would think it's just a part of the necklace that was out there to look pretty.
I picked up the necklace and held the key closer. It was a very beautiful gold, I wouldn't mind just wearing it as jewelry. I then got up and went back to the box that I set down.
I put the key to the slot, it was a perfect fit! I turned the key until I heard a satisfying click. I then lifted the top of the box, it opened.
I looked inside, and when I saw what he was keeping so secret and hidden I froze.
It was my crown, and with it was a piece of paper with something written on it.
I picked up the paper to see what was written on it.
In this box holds the memories, laughter and tears of Dream, the guardian of positivity. Better known to me as my little brother.
He was strong, courageous, and kind. He would do anything just to make someone's day a little better.
He had a good heart, but I was the one who broke it.
I'm sorry brother, you will never be forgotten.
And for anyone who finds this, the crown in here was his.
And, my name is Nightmare.
I was the one who drove him to suicide.
I covered my mouth in shock as the tears began pouring out of my eyes.
Is this what he really thinks?
About me, himself, and what happened.
I'm sorry Nighty.
It's not your fault.It's mine.

Fanfiction**This is part two of my book I Still Love You Brother! I recommend you read that one first in order for this one to make sense!** Alright, please enjoy!