𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐘 : 𝗵𝗲'𝘀 𝘀𝗶𝗰𝗸

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[ third person ]


"What?!" Yumiko exclaimed, dropping the anpan in her hand. Her jaw slackened at the words that exited Yamaguchi's lips.

"Yeah." He laughed sheepishly, flashing her his phone screen that had the evidence all over it.

"He's sick?" Yumiko covered her mouth, recalling how he had walked home in the rain after giving her his umbrella. "It's my fault too!"

"It's not your fault, Yumiko-san!" Yamaguchi tried to reassure her but was to no avail since she was stuck on the fact that it was her fault.

"It's settled." She clenched her fist, suddenly determined. "I'll visit him later."

The female walked off, leaving Yamaguchi standing there in the hall. He laughed softly, knowing that Tsukishima would really like it if she showed up.

I'm a pretty good wingman.

[ t i m e s k i p ]

Yumiko stood in front of Tsukishima's house with a tote bag slung on her shoulder. Inside the bag was only the essentials needed to cure a cold. It was thanks to her grandmother who knew all the tips and tricks.

"I texted him but he's not answering." She bit her lip awkwardly, raising a fist to knock on the front door. Before her knuckle could even graze against the wood, the door flew open to reveal a tall male with dirty blond hair. His features resembled Tsukishima's but were slightly different in certain aspects. He was certainly built sturdier than the first year blond.

"Hello!" The male greeted with a smile, rubbing his hands on his pants as he bowed. Yumiko mimicked the motion, bowing properly with a polite smile.

"Hi, I'm Kurosaki Yumiko. I'm Tsukishima-san's upperclassman." She smiled kindly, appearing more friendly than she usually would've. He seems like a nice guy.

"Ah, I feel like I've heard my brother mention you before." His words made her heart skip a beat for a second. Smiling easily, he shifted his weight to his other foot. "I'm Tsukishima Akiteru, his big brother. Are you here to see him?"

His eyes darted downwards to the bag full of stuff that was clearly for his cold. The easy smile simply broadened. "I was on my way to work, but now that you're here, could you look after him for a bit? Just until our mom returns from her little shopping trip."

Yumiko nodded, bowing to Akiteru who brushed past her. "I'll do my best."

"Then I leave him in your care. Thank you!" Akiteru ruffled her hair, walking off to be on his merry way.

Once Akiteru was gone, Yumiko inhaled deeply and prepared herself to enter Tsukishima's house. Stepping foot into the house was her biggest step, not to mention that she had to navigate through the large house to find his room.

After properly putting her shoes off to the side, she placed her socked feet on the floor that was slightly higher than the previous floor. The wooden flooring made little to no noises as she wandered upstairs, searching the hall for Tsukishima's room.

The first room was empty, the second belonging to Akiteru (since no one was in there and it had a bunch of papers from work) and the second to last room was shut, seemingly ominous.

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