⚜️ Leon 🦁 Kingscholar ⚜️

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Time for the King of Savanaclaw!
Best be prepared, I hope you all like what I made for this Lazy Beastman



Absol (Female) 
The Disaster Pokemon
A Dark type

Ability: Pressure 
- Psycho Cut 
- Ice Beam 
- Mean Look 
- Dark Pulse 

• I picked Absol because I think he and Leona have a similar situation? Absol is believed to bring disasters, Leona is believed to not be that good of a prince

• The truth is Absol can sense impending disasters and warns people--while Leona's just suffered from an inferiority complex. So I thought that the pokemon who can sense disasters, accompanying Leona--who, to be honest, could make a great king if given a chance--would be a cool pair.

• Like, Absol predicting disasters and Leona being able to prove his worth thanks to Absol... I think that's pretty cool!

• Absol can mega evolve.

• Here's the thing, because Absol is a peaceful, laidback pokemon who hates fighting--an Absol who mega evolves means a lot.

• Absol being able to mega evolve proves that Absol will fight for and believe in Leona.

• Since I made Absol a female, I guess the pokemon would have a sort of kind but a slight cold-slated personality...if cold-slated is the right word

• Like Ruggie(or Jack), Absol would try to convince Leona to go to his classes and not skip them

• Will wake Leona up when she thinks he needs to clean his room on his own

• A gentle pokemon but kind of Aggressive in some modes or when the situation calls for it will become an MVP of sorts in battle

• Would sleep next to her trainer in the Botanical Gardens if she fails to get him awake

• Absol wears a tooth necklace with an Absolnite embedded in it.

• Leona has his Keystone embedded on probably his staff or wears it on his jewellery(Bracelet/necklace). Or there's a secret spot on his Magical pen. I guess...?


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Hippowdon (Male)
The Heavyweight Pokemon
A Ground type

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