🍩 Ruggie 🦴 Bucchi 🍩

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Sorry for the long wait! Some reason I'm just updating this once a month but I'll try to make Jack's by the end of February


Meowth (Male)
The Classy cat Pokemon
A Normal type

Ability: Pickup
- Dark Pulse 
- Mimic 
- Quick Attack

• I guess you can think of Mimic like Ruggie's UM 'Laugh with me'

• One of Ruggie's first Pokemon when he was still a kid

• It would help Ruggie with stealing, whether it's for food, money, or trying its hardest in Pokemon battles.

• His nickname is Scrap

• Likes to play with others, especially with the other Hyena Beastmen Children to make them happy.

• Like Ruggie, Scrap's favourite food are donuts

• Like Murkrows, Scrap loves shiny things and gets distracted by them. So it has an Amulet coin necklace given by Ruggie so both won't get in trouble in school.

• For some reason, Scrap's does not like Lucius. On the day Scrap and Trein's cat looked at each other, they started fighting so it was either Trein sending Ruggie to the last row in the classroom or Ruggie keeping Scrap in its pokeball so it won't happen again.

• Refuses to evolve, Ruggie doesn't understand until years later. Thinking that Scrap likes its small body so he can hide in different places or its more agile than its evolved form

• Not the type to make peace, more like the opposite

• Likes making pranks, and will act like a cat-example is knocking out a glass of water and etc.

• Will disrupts Leona's naps when getting the chance, fails a lot.

• Can speak human english, but only a few times. No one notices it at most,
(Just see Scrap like how Courage the Cowardly dog could speak (and boi do I miss that show, I also remembered how dark it was and how I didn't get scared at most episodes when I was younger))

• I'm basically making him like Meowth in Team Rocket but different, please deal with it

• If I could, maybe I will think of something that will make Scrap able to Gigantamax.

•  If I could, maybe I will think of something that will make Scrap able to Gigantamax

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Mightyena (Female)
The Bite Pokemon
A Dark type

Ability: Intimidate
- Fire Fang
- Crunch
- Sucker Punch
- Iron Tail

• Mightyena is based of a Hyena so it fits

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