🍐 Jack 🐺 Howl 🥑

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I finally finished Savanaclaw!

Jack has four Pokemon and has a Z crystal to one of them

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Lycanroc (Female) 
The Wolf Pokemon
A Rock type

Ability: Keen Eye 
- Accelerock 
- Drill Run 
- Stone Edge
- Rock Slide 

• Chose Lycanroc because looks like a good boy in midday form

• Also because of Jack's UM

• Jack's first Pokemon

• Both trainer and Pokémon practically grew together since Jack received Lycanroc when it was still an egg and Jack was still a kid

• Likes playing, Lycanroc won't get tired for hours that Jack sometimes can't keep up

• Likes to play with Jack and his siblings

• In NRC, it's friends with Ruggie's Mightyena

• Both would be usually seen playing in Savanaclaw

• Jack and Lycanroc can use Lycanium Z

• The Z crystal and the Z ring was a present from his (head cannon) Uncle who went on a vacation trip as a Farewell present when he goes to NRC

• Jack has the Z ring kept with him at all times, it looked like a beaded bracelet so not many people know he has one.

• The Z crystal is kept in Jack's pocket

• Lycanroc's nickname is Lupin

• Lycanroc's nickname is Lupin

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Maractus (Female) 
The Cactus Pokemon
A Grass type

Ability: Water Absorb 
- Solar Beam 
- Leaf storm 
- Poison Jab 
- Leech Seed 

• For Jack's cactuses

• Friendly, but Prickly

• In Pyroxene, Maractus Likes to stay indoors when it's (usually) cold outside

• In NRC, it Likes to go out and about due to most of the areas sunny and windy weather

• Especially in Savanaclaw, where it's mostly hot and dry like Scarabia

• Doesn't like to be touched or petted since she knows that she's prickly

• Don't underestimate Maractus cause she's a grass type

• It has Poison jab for that reason

• Likes to check up on the Cactuses Jack kept in NRC

• It also Water's them when its trainer is not around or is busy

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