November 5th

11 1 4

Word Count-

Prompt- Dog



"Oh, what do you want now Psycho?" I shout at my dog. She is a Dalmatian and black spots cover most of her body. There's barley any white on her. I get up from my comfy spot on the couch near the fire and walk over to where I heard her bark. She's up on her hind legs and is scratching at the door. "No, no, no, no! No, scratching!" I yell and run to get her. I pick her up and pull her up so we are at eye level with each other. Her lips are pulled into a dog smile and her tail is wagging furiously. A sigh escapes my lips and I place her back on the ground. "Do you have to go outside?" I ask her. She starts running around all over the place and barking at everything. I pinch the bridge of my nose as another sigh comes from my lips. "I literally just took you out two hours ago." I mumble to myself, walking down the hall toward the entry hall table. In a silver bowl, there are three leashes, each a different color. There's yellow, pink, and a pastel blue. I decide to go with the yellow, just in case she runs off so I will still be able to see her.


Psycho comes running at me and jumps up onto my legs. "Calm down! Geez, how do you have this much energy." I tell her. Yes, I talk to my dog. We all do it. At least I hope so. I quickly reach for the doorknob and open the front door. I'm blasted with a force of wind so strong I stumble back slightly. Immediately goosebumps start to appear all over my body and I'm cold down to my core. "Can't you just wait till tomorrow!" I whine at my dog. She's waging her tail and waiting for me to take her out. "God damit." I mumble. I grab my rain coat and slip it over my shoulders and I quickly button it up. My hood goes up and over my head. Hopefully it stays up but with this wind I highly doubt it. I open the door again and walk outside. Before I can even reach for the door I hear it slam shut behind me. Psycho pulls harshly on the leash as she leads me to the dog park. After about a block of walking, we make it there. Suddenly I feel a sprinkle of water land on my face. "Great, just great!" I shout. Within thirty seconds, rain is pounding down on my shoulders, weighing me down. My pace quickens as I head for the park. I open the gate and Psycho pulls so hard on my leash that it's ripped out of my hand. Then she's off and running, sniffing and digging at everything. Then her head pops up and she's sprinting towards me again. I put my hands up because I think she's going to jump in me, but she runs right by me. I turn around and standing there in the rain, body soaked with water, is the most beautiful man I've ever seen. His eyes are silver. My eyes widen is surprise. Their so captivating. His bright blonde hair is stuck directly to his head and water is dripping in his eyes. His clothes are soaked and stick tightly to his body. A blush rises to my cheeks. Psycho is jumping up on him and the man is petting her behind the ears. That's her favorite spot. I quickly rush over to them as the blush on my face deepens.
"I'm so sorry sir. She's a little bit crazy." I tell the man. "Psycho come." I say, patting my leg. She immediately comes down and sits by my leg. The stranger is staring down at my dog.

"That's alright. It's just strange, dogs don't usually like me. Especially not big dogs." He mutters to himself loudly.

"Well, I didn't name her Psycho for nothing." I tell him smiling. A wide smile appears on his face, his eyes widening.

"You named your dog Psycho?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. My stomach flips. Oh that's no good. He looks so cute when he does that.

"Yup! I thought it fit her quite nicely." My eyes gazing down at the dog I love. She staring up at me, waging her tail. "Oh right duh." I mutter to myself. "Off." I say snapping my fingers and then she's off again, running around he park.

"Looks like you trained her well." The man says.

"I tried, but she still does things that are crazy weird." I tell him. Suddenly the man sticks out his hand towards me.

"My name is Draco, Draco Malfoy." He says. My face heats up and I slowly stick my hand out towards his.

"Jackson Winkik." I say quietly. He smiles then.

"That's a nice name. It suits you well." He says, chuckling.

"Yours as well." I reply, my face heating up greatly.

"Hey, so I know we like just met but I think your really gorgeous and..." I stop. I meant to say that in my head first. "Ahh, shit. I'm so sorry...that just came out and..." I stutter, looking down at the ground, my cheeks growing incredibly hot.

"You can finish your sentence." Draco says. My eyes widen and my head snaps up to his. His eyebrows are raised but there's a sweet smile spread across his face.

"...and I was wondering if you would like to go get a coffee." I finish. He stays silent for a few moments before replying.

"That's doesn't sound so bad." He says and I sigh.

"Good...good...I was worried there for a second..." I tell him, a small smile appearing on my face.

"I know a really good cafe that's about another two blocks from here. Want to check it out?" He asks me. I nod my head.

"Of course. Let me just go get Psycho." I say, hearing him chuckle. I walk around the park to try and find my dog. She's digging a hole in the ground by the fence. "No! Now I have to give you a bath when you get home!" I say. She walks over to me and gives a shake, getting mud all over my jacket. "You know what, fine. If that's how today's going to be, so be it." I mutter to myself, sighing. I turn around and start walking back towards Draco. Psycho is pulling on her leash very hard and is tugging me towards the other man.

"Ready to go?" He asks.

"Ready as I'll ever be!" I say excitedly. So we begin walking in the direction of the cafe. This is not how I excepted today to go but I'm glad with the events that occurred. I guess Psychos to blame.

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