November 30th

5 0 0

Word Count- 997

Prompt- View


"Where are we going Draco!" I shout at him. He continues to stay silent but harshly pulls on my hand. He placed a blindfold on my head when we got out of the car and he said not to take it off. I hear the crunching of leaves beneath our feet and the breaking of branches from up ahead.

"I can't tell you." Draco finally says. "We will be there in a few short minutes so, please be a dear, and keep you big trap shut." He says, no hint of anger in his voice at all so I know he is calm.

"Alright, fine. It better be good though. I've had to wear this scratchy piece of fabric around my eyes for twenty minutes and I can feel my skin starting to get irritated." I tell Draco, reaching my hand up to remove the cloth. Suddenly, a smack rings our around us and a stinging pain rushes up my arm. "Hey, what was that for?" I ask him harshly.

"For the last time Potter, just be quiet and enjoy the sounds." Draco says patiently. A deep sigh escapes my lips and I stop talking. As soon as I do, I hear birds chirping over head and a creek running beside us, echoing around in my head. If I listen closely enough, I can faintly hear Draco's breath and the beat of his heart.

"You were right, I should be this quiet more often." I whisper, not wanting to disturb anything else.

"Aren't I always?" Draco asks teasingly. I just nod my head. After a few more minutes of walking in silence, listening to the sound of the forest around us, we make it to our destination. "Alright, we are here." Draco states and I hear the jiggling of a lock. The loud creak of the door makes all the beautiful forest sounds disappear from my head.

"Finally." I tell him and Draco just pulls me in what I assume to be a house. I can still see plenty of light so that makes me assume there are many windows around. Even in a blindfold, I am still very aware of my surroundings. Draco wraps an arm around my waist and tugs me closer towards the bright light.
"Is this heaven? Am I finally dead?" I ask out loud, my voice echoing around the room. I hear Draco snort from besides me and that makes me smile. A deep blush rises to my cheeks as I feel them heat up.

"Open." He tells me, lifting the uncomfortable fabric from my eyes. My eyes grow wide and a gasp escapes my mouth. My hands rush to cover my lips as I stare out in the sight in front of me. Out the window is the open ocean. A vast blue and silver sea lies before me as I watch the lines of white move along the surface playfully. Waves are coming towards us at lighting speed, but before they can reach us, they trickle out into a thin line of water that could easily be mistaken for a piece of glass. I can see an island of green sitting just above the surface, one small tree seemingly only there to comfort the lonely piece of land. My eyes gaze down to the soft sand of the beach that lays before my eyes. In between the bright white and yellow of the little grains of sand, are shells. What's looks to be hundreds and hundreds of shells, buried into the soft sand.

"Draco...I-I...I don't know what to say. This is absolutely stunning." I tell him, looking over to see my boyfriend staring out at the sea, a look of peace settled across his features.

"Isn't it gorgeous?" He asks, head looking over at me. A small smile graces my lips and I nod my head.

"It sure is." I tell him, turning back to face the large window. Draco pulls me closer to him and I lean my head into his shoulder. Warmth spreads across my body as I feel my body relax. I haven't felt this peaceful in a very long time.

"I thought you deserved a break from your busy life. So I decided I would take you somewhere that I always found relaxing, the beach. We're going to have so much fun here Harry. Just the two of us. No one to bother us. I didn't even tell Hermione and Ron where we were going. I did tell Molly though. I thought one person should know." Draco says, his voice full of excitement.

"You are honestly the best boyfriend anyone could have asked for." I mumble at him, my eyes slowly closing.

"I'd have to give that position to you, Potter." Draco says. We stay silent for a few moments and then I feel Draco hoist me into his arms. I don't even scream. I just snuggle myself deeper into the crook of his neck and wrap my arms around his shoulders. "Looks like someone's tired. We can go take a quick nap before we head down to the shore." Draco states quietly and I grunt in response. He walks slowly up the stairs, trying not to jostle me around.

"I'm still awake you know." I grumble at him.

"I know. I don't want to wake your from that state." He says. After a few more moments, we have reached the top of the stairs and he slowly creaks open a door. He shuts it quietly, a soft click filling the air. I feel myself being bundled up with blankets and warmth being pressed against my back. His arms slither around my waist and a small smile falls upon my lips.

"Thank you, my Draco." I mumble, snuggling closer to my boyfriend.

"You're very welcome, my Harry." Draco responds, holding onto my waist a little tighter. I fall asleep to the sound of Draco's comforting heartbeat.

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