Novermber 17th

7 0 0

Word Count- 1042

Prompt- Desperate


I look over at the Slytherin table for the eleventh time that evening. No one has noticed as of yet, but with my constant staring, that won't be for long. My eyes gaze up the long rows again to find the blonde haired boy with piercing silver eyes. I find him sitting next to his cohorts, which are as stupid as any person could get. Draco looks so bored sitting there. He's pushing the food around on his plate with his fork. I don't even think he's taken a bite of anything. This makes me very worried and I feel my brows furrow in confusion. What's wrong with him? You should go and ask him. My thoughts whisper to me. Why? There's no rule that says you can't. Good point. That's a very good point. I look up again to see Draco staring directly at me with his intoxicating silver eyes. I feel my stomach do a flip and my heart starts pounding inside my chest. A smirk forms on my lips and I wink at him. Let's mess with the Cold Stone Malfoy for a bit, shall we? His eyes grow wide and I see that his lips are slightly parted. I feel a pang of longing inside my chest as I stare at his face. Oh, how I want to kiss those lips. My smirk grows even wider as I look back down at my plate. The world around me continues on, knowing nothing of the moment in time where I wanted Draco Malfoy. Dinner continues on and throughout all of it, I feel the burning stare of someone's eyes on me. Looks like you made a good impression on someone. I make a quick glance at Draco to see him staring at me. He licks his lips. My stomach does another flip and my hands start to shake ever so slightly. Suddenly, I have no appetite anymore. I don't want to be in this crowded room anymore, with all these people surrounding me. I quickly push myself away from the table and hop of the bench. No one even bothers to look at me. Good, you need to stay invisible. Before I can stop myself, my eyes gaze over to the other side of the Great Hall, landing on Draco. His brilliant silver eyes looking right into my soul. I feel a long shiver go down my spine and I quickly rush out of the Great Hall. My feet take me down the familiar path towards the library.

"At least there will be some peace and quiet there." I mumble to myself out loud. I have to get my thoughts and feeling under control. There is no time for flirting. No time for romance. No time for anything but...

I hear light footsteps behind me.

My body stops moving at once. The footsteps stop quickly, but only a second to late. Someone's following you. Yeah, no shit. I continue onward anyway, not really caring. The footsteps grow louder with every step. I force my feet to go faster. I need to make it to the library. I turn the corner and see the library door, hope rises in my chest. Suddenly a hand grabs the hood of my robe and pulls me back. I don't even scream. They slam my chest against the wall and twist my arm behind my back. Pain shoots up my arm but again, no noise comes from my throat.

"Not much of a talker are you." The voice whispers, breath running across the back of my neck. A pleasant shiver runs down my spine. Draco. His chest is pressed closely against my back, fingernails digging into the skin of my arm. I can feel his breath on my neck and I can't help but feel the chills roll through my body.

"Bit close, don't you think?" I ask him, a smirk forming on my face.

"Not at all." He responds, letting me go then. I quickly spin my body around, expecting him to move away. He doesn't. We're now chest to chest and I can see every detail of his face, as well as every sharp angle of his features. He's absolutely gorgeous. His face is only inches from mine. My eyes flicker down to his lips for only a second but I know he sees. My lips slightly part as I stare up at him. A beautiful smirk forms on his face.

"Do you want something?" He asks quietly.

"Only if you do." I whisper and his eyes begin to shine. He brings up his hand and rests his fingers gently against my chin, forcing my head upwards. He leans downs slowly, eyes never looking away from mine. My heart is pounding so fast that I think it might explode. When his lips brush mine, my breath hitches in my throat. Then his lips are pressed softly against mine and I feel my eyes close. I lean into his touch, wrapping my arms around his waist, pulling him as close to me as possible. Warmth blooms all over my body and I never want this moment to end. His hand starts to run through my hair, making my shiver, while his other hand drops and rests on top of my chest. We stay like that for a few long moments, before he pulls away. I open my eyes to see his still closed, a big grin resting upon his lips.

"You have no idea how long I've waited to do that." He whispers to me, eyes slowly opening.

"Was it everything you thought it would be?" I ask quietly.

"So much more." He says and I smile. Then I see his gaze flicker down to my lips, staring at them. His cheeks flush a scarlet pink and I almost gasp. I've never seen Draco blush before.

"Want to do it again?" I ask, a quiet chuckle escaping my throat. He nods his head eagerly. Slowly I lean my head up towards his, wrapping my heads around his neck, running slow circles along the center. I feel him shiver and that's when I press my lips against his once again.

No romance, please, you're head over heels.

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