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  "Get back here you little-"
Liam had already made two laps around an empty Polus outpost.
Ducking into holes and sneaking around.Spotting who he was looking for,he charged towards them.The prey herd him incoming and they screamed loudly,running as fast as they could.Rounding the corner,headed into the Admin room.The Prey hid themselves,their heart racing.
  Liam walked into the room slowly.
"Where arrrrrre youuu?
Come on out now.."
The prey was still,silent,not breathing.
Liam heard someone coming in behind him,so he went to investigate.He was startled to see Aaron had just come into Admin.
"Did you get her?" He asked with a sarcastic tone.
Liam groaned and his shoulders dropped,"No,she's gotten faster. I swear she's faster then me."
Aaron chuckled,placing his hand on Liam's head and fluffing his hair,"She has more Impostor blood then you do."
Liam groaned and turned his face away from Aaron,sporting a pouting face.
Aaron snickered and ran his fingers through his own hair to press back the wave of it.
  He stood still and glanced around,"I see you,"
Aaron said with a huge smile.Walking towards the table that had a bright red button on it,Aaron bent down suddenly and reached under the table.Liam heard his daughter scream loudly and begin to hysterically laugh as Aaron proceeded to tickle her.
Liam smiled widely and reached towards the two.The little one,reached for her 'mother' who she called Pa and happily fell into his arms.
Liam laughed and said,"I knew the whole time you were under there!"

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