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  "We just snuck her into the outpost,Aaron.I hate keeping her locked up like this.I want her to roam like I did.My Dad always gave me a chance to learn something new."
Aaron scratched the back of his head.Their daughter was asleep on the bed.The three were sleeping on board the Skeld ship.
Other Crewmates slept in the surrounding quarters.
"She's young,Liam.Curious and also a girl!  Female Impostors usually are like that! Having her here is already risky!"
Liam growled under his breath,"She can follow me around.I'll keep an eye on her."
Aaron growled this time,"You just replaced Lime! You think those other Crewmates won't notice you have a little one following you around?"
Liam turned his face,his back to Aaron,"Look,Liam.I love you.I love,Kayla but having her wonder around right now is to risky.If something happens to either one of you-"
Liam turned around slowly to face Aaron,"Yes,I understand.For now we'll keep her here.In my room."
Aaron gave Liam a kiss on the cheek and Liam smiled.Wrappimg his arms around Aaron for a longer and more passionate kiss.
The two leaned towards eachother,allowing their foreheads to rest on one another.

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