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  "Pa,can I come with you inside?"
Liam smiled at his daughter.Her Lime suit contrasted against the purple floor of the planet Polus.
Liam gently pat her on her head,"When your a little older,yes you can.For now,will you promise me you'll stay right here?"
The young Impostor pouted and crossed her arms,
"okaayyy,I promise..."
With a chuckle she watched as her parents sneakily made their way into an outpost that had scheduled Crewmates to arrive.
  What felt like forever to the young only lasted around an hour.While waiting for her parents to return she spotted the massive Skeld ship coming in for a landing at the outpost.She had seen this once before but didn't remember it to well.Her eyes became big and her jaw dropped in amazement.
"Wooooowwwwww..." she said holding out the sound till she ran out of breath.
From the distance she could see the Crewmates of many different colours walk out of the ship and into the outpost.
  Another hour had passed and she was beginning to get bored with just watching.She made up her mind.She was gonna find her parents and have a closer look at the Crewmates.
Stepping out from her hiding spot,she spotting her Dad.
He was carrying something.
Excited she ran over to him but Aaron growled loudly at her.
Backing up,she hung her head low and said softly,"Sorry."
Aaron chuckled this time and walked passed her as she followed him.
Liam was always very leanent with her but Aaron was a little strict at times.Maybe it's because he wasn't human at all?
  Following behind her father she watched as he set down the full body of a Blue Crewmate.
He had blood leaking from his helmet.A fresh kill.
The smell reached the young Impostor and her stomach mouth opened up right away.
The older Impostor grabbed the Blue Crewmates arm and began to twist it.Eventually tearing it completely off.
Aaron glanced at his daughter and said,"Okay,you can eat now," tossing her the piece he ripped off.
The young Impostor squeaked and squealed and as she began to dine on the arm her father gave her.She ate slow and was messy.Aaron watched her carfully and pat her head lovingly when she burped.Signaling she was done eating.With a full belly she sat down on the floor and her stomach mouth closed itself up.
She looked up at Aaron and asked,"Da,when is Pa coming?"
He smiled widely and replied,"He'll be here,shortly."
After he answered her,Aaron's stomach mouth opened wide.His daughter watched as his long tongue creeped out of his stomach mouth and wrapped around the waist of the Blue Crewmate.Pulling his top half in and chomping down.Blood spattered out and he began to chew. The young Imposter watched curiously and asked,"Da,will I be able to that?!"
Aaron chuckled and he said,"Yes,yes you will."
  Aaron changed his outfit to a fresh Blue.Taking the place of the Blue Crewmate.
Pulling the left overs to the side and patting his girl on the head he said,"I'll be back soon.Pa,should be here in a few minutes."
The young Impostor sighed and pouted again.
   Just as Aaron had said,Liam arrived soon after he had left.
He too carried a full body with him.
Excited to see another freshly killed Crewmate,the young Impostor ran over to Liam but stopped midway.Remembering that she probably shouldn't do that.Liam chuckled and asked he got closer,"Did daddy get after you again?"
She pouted and put her hands together behind her back,"Yeeaahhhh."
Liam let out a laugh and said,"Aw,Daddy loves you,sweetie."
The young Impostor pouted again and then followed behind her Pa asking,"Da,gave me some of Blue.Can I have some of this one?"
Liam smirked,"You're still hungry?"
She rocked back and forth on her heels and didn't answer.
Liam let out a sigh and broke off a finger of the Lime Crewmate he had just killed.She quickly grabbed the finger and began to chew on it.
Liam smiled against nd said,"No more for today.I don't want you to get sick."
His daughter giggled as she chewed on the finger.

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