Being half human Isn't all bad.Dad said Momma Kyle,got hungry alot faster then me.
He ate someone every two weeks and I can eat every once a month.
That's good I guess.We can stay on the ships a little longer.Give ourselves a chance to come up with alibis and such.That's what he says anyway.
It's been two weeks since we launched the ship and Dad an I have spent some time apart.
I spent time with Blue.He was always to himself and carried around paper work all the time.Weird...
He didn't ever notice when I was around.
Yellow and White were always together too.Their voices got on my nerves though.So I never hung out with them.
Dad spent most of his time with Red and Black.He told me that Red and Black are always together.That they are a couple and that they definitely are gonna be hard to hunt.Whatever that means.
Brown was also to himself.He spent most of his time in electrical.He liked fixing wires I guess.
I once heard Cyan talking to himself.When I peeked into the reactor room I saw Purple with him.
I watched for a little while and Purple never made a sound or attempted to speak.
I wonder why he don't talk?
Cyan didn't seem to care.He kept right on talking.
Come night time or time for us to sleep I climbed on my bunk and asked as I rolled to my side."Hey,Dad.Have you found out anything else?"
He looked at me and chuckled,"You could say that."
I was confused again.
"Well,feeding time is coming up and my tummy is starting to growl." My Dad frowned at me and sighed.
I wonder what he's thinking sometimes.He always looks like he's really thinking about something.Maybe he misses Kyle? My mom,my Pa. I never thought about it before.All this time he's spending with me I didn't think he'd miss him.
I guess he does.I wonder if he really loves me like he says.
Is he preventing me from hunting on purpose?
My train of thought was broken when Dad spoke up.
_____________________________What the hell is that look he's giving me? I asked myself this question when I saw my Lime son glaring at me.He looked angry, hatful.Is he upset that he hasn't gotten his first kill yet.I told him before all this that he needed to be patient.I can't stand that look on his face anymore.
I snapped my fingers,"Hey! Snap out of it,boy.You look like your mother when he's pissed off."
I just realized that.How? That's weird.I hope he doesn't get hurt by that but instead of snapping at me my Lime son only chuckled and asked,"Really?!" He seemed surprised,I guess I never really told him to much about how Kyle acted.Only what he had done.I don't want to deprive him of these stories but perhaps another time.Right now I need to tell him the plan.
"RED is chief of Navigation and also Security.He decides which direction we take to Polus.BLUE is the one that drives this ship.He Navigates while also keeping the inventory of the ship.Food,ammunition for the laser guns outside ect.
YELLOW and WHITE have engine duty.They keep them cool while also maintaining the Cafeteria.Keeping food cooked and preped each day.
BROWN maintains the Electrical part of the ship.He mostly does wire work and diverts power to specific places when it's needed.
CYAN and PURPLE maintain the Reactor.Without them the ship,the ship will have more and more problems.
Black is the second head of Security.He's authorized to use the weapons aboard the ship.As well as keep everyone in line.
You and I are Handymen.
We help when needed,where needed.We are people of the ship so to speak.
Also,RED and BLACK have a relationship going on.As BLACK is supposed to be checking up on us,he's often distracted by the RED Crewmate.Most of the time their meeting places are the Security room and their Quarters.
I've not seen them elsewhere."
___________________________Uh,that was alot to take in.Does he expect me to remember all that? Am I supposed to?! I hung my head down.I forgot the first thing he told me.
I heard him softly laugh at me and he sat on the bottom bunk."Come here,son." He said with a soft tone.I climbed down and sat next to him.He pat me on the back,"I can repeat it if you need me to." With a sigh I replied,"Please?"
He gave me the biggest smile and began to repeat it.
Among Generations
Fanfic"There's something I have to tell you!" "There's no time! You can tell me later! We got to get off this ship!" Two Colours ran to the escape pods.A band of Crewmates chasing them. "Shoot,we really got screwed with this ship!" The Green one became fr...