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"So,are you gonna tell me what's wrong?" Black asked Red as they held hand in hand and walked back to the sleeping quarters together.
Red seemed nervous to speak but he replied,"Wait till we get in the room."
Black seemed suspicious but followed him.
As they went down the hall the ship began to rumble.
Black looked back to see nothing and he looked to Red,"What is that?"
Red held Blacks hand tightly,"It sounds like the lower storage bay!"
Black questioned him,"We have a lower storage bay?"
Red shouted out,"Yes!"
He ran back down the hall headed to the stair case that lead them down to the lower part of the ship.He yelled out,"The lower storage is where we keep the Runners.The cars that drive on the land!"
Black listened and followed him hastily.Red continued as they ran down another hall,"That's what was bothering me.I think those three are up to something!"
Black asked,"You mean the other Crewmates?!"
Red kept running,not letting up,"Yes! Orange suddenly becoming interested in my tasks.Blue and Lime hanging out together and always one or the other sitting with Orange.It's Orange! He's the master of the plan! I know it.He would have only known about the Runners through me."
Black protested,"But,Red! Orange has been on missions before! He could have learned that from back then!"
Red grumbled,"No! He was especially interested with how I would plan out tasks and even asked if I had access to communicate with incoming ships! He's an impostor I know it! And Blue and Lime are his underlings!"
Black was convinced mostly by Reds tone.Still,Black knew for sure Red was onto something.He went over everything in his head.Everything Red said was more or less true.About how the three were always together and Black remembered in the beginning It was them three that were locked in admin when Yellow and White died.The vents! They could have used them to kill and make themselves an alibi.That means Cyan was innocent and purple died because of their misunderstanding.
It was all Orange! He's the mastermind behind all this.
  The two Crewmates ran to the lower storage bay.To see Blue standing beside a runner while Lime attempted to unchain it from the floor.The huge door to the outside was open.That was the rumbling sound that shook this ship.Red scanned around for Orange while Black shouted out,"What are you two doing?! Stop this! Close the door this instant!"
Snow piles began to form along the floor.Red finally spotted Orange.He was in the control room.The room that allowed him to opened the Storage door.
Orange peered through the glass at the two Crewmates standing in the ships entrance way.
He spoke through a microphone that sent his voice throughout the entire storage bay,"Don't try to stop us."
Orange knew.By Reds body language he knew that he knew something and Orange wasn't going allow him or Black to interfere.
Red placed a hand in front of Black,stopping him from moving from where he stood.Black yelled out over the wind,"Red,what are you doing?! We have to stop them!"
Red backed up,pushing Black back,"No! We can't take them by ourselves.Get back in the ship!"
Black backed up and back into the ship.Red followed him just as Orange said over the microphone,"Don't let them escape." His voice gargled and echoed loudly through the storage bay.As Red and Black ran back into the ship,Black looked back to see Blue with a stomach wide open,his tongue stretching out towards them.
Lime ran close behind him.
They were being chased.
Black yelled out,"Go! They're right behind us! Go! Go!"
Red yelled out in protest,
"No Shit,Black!"
The two ran back through the halls.Headed towards the stairs again,Red yelled out,"We need to make it back to Navigation! There's a radio there we can use to call for help!"
Black knodded and kept running.
Up the stairs the two Crewmates went.Through the door at the top of the stairs and shut it behind them.Locking it with his key card,Red sighed.It was quiet now.Black let out a sigh but he yelled out loudly as the door began to be pounded.The loud growling on the other side was horrifing to hear.
Red grabbed Blacks hand and pulled him again,"Come on!"
Black followed,running after Red towards the Navigation.
Through the top engine room and passed the medical bay of the Skeld,the two Crewmates made their way into the ships Cafeteria.Still running and out of breathe Black began to slow his pace.Panting heavily to where he completely stopped.Red looked back at him,"Black,come on!"
He panted out,"I-I can't run--"
Red paced over to him,lifting him up straight,"Black,we're almost there.Come on we've got to move!"
Black took a deep breathe and started walking with Red.
His arm draped over Reds shoulder.
As they neared the Weapons entrance,the vent to their right shot up into the air.A long rubbery tongue emerging out from the vent shaft.
Black stopped to look and the tongue wrapped itself around Red's ankle.
He yelled out as it squeezed him and yanked him to the floor.Black fell to the floor with him but stayed in place as Red was dragged towards the vent.
Limes helmet came from the vent,his stomach mouth open wide.Black yelled out,"Red! No! Please!"
Red and Black reached out for eachother as Lime came completely out of the vent.He stood over Red and Red yelled out,"Black! Go! Call for help! Go! RUN!!"
Lime growled loudly at Red and Black saw Blue coming from the vent.With tears in his eyes,he stood up and ran into the Weapons room.Making his way to Navigation.
Red put his arms in the way of his face.Blocking Lime.Lime growled loudly as Blue opened his stomach mouth again.
Their teeth the work of nightmares.Curved and straight with layers over layers.Their mouths drooled over Red as he struggled to escape Limes hold on his ankle.
Lime chuckled and snapped his ankle.Red cried out in pain and rolled onto his stomach.Trying to desperately crawl away from the two monsters towering over him.
Blue growled,guiding his tongue toward Red and broke through his helmet.Just at his tongue was about to touch Reds face inside,Blue was struck in his face with a fire extinguisher.
Blue fell backwards onto his back and Lime stood up.
Seeing Black holding the object that hit Blue.Drool dripped from his the jaws of his stomach mouth and he roared as loud as he could.
Black leant down and pulled Red away from the two Impostors.
He groaned from the pain in his ankle and he said,"Stupid idiot! Why did you come back? Did you call for help?!"
Black didn't answer Reds question but instead yelled out,"Back off you monsters! Leave him alone!"
Lime growled loudly as Blue recovered from the blow.Blue stood up to his feet and roared.Tapping Lime on the shoulder,telling him he was good to go again.
Lime glanced his way and couldn't help but make a cooing to purring sound at Blue.Blue in turn lowly growled and looked to the Crewmates.
Black was disgusted with their behavior,"Lime,how could you do this?"
Lime chuckled through his stomach mouth.It came out like a shrill gargly mess.Blue couldn't help but smile at him.
Red groaned in pain again,he tried to use the nearby bench to stand up.Black still held the extinguisher in his hands.

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