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December slowly came and Miranda walked out of school for Christmas break. She was so excited to have time off. She loved being home and Christmas. Christmas was the only holiday she really cared about. Miranda was walking home and she heard someone jog up beside her.

"Hey Miranda." Ben said smiling.

"Hey you." Miranda said looking over at him.

Ben stared at her and smiled. He looked at her black coat, with her purple hat, scarf, and gloves. She really was the cutest thing he had ever laid eyes on.

"I'm taking you on date." Ben said.

"Like where. We don't never really go any where." Miranda said.

"Exactly, which is why I am taking you on a date. We can either go this evening or tomorrow evening your choice" Ben said.

"Uh duh. Tonight of course." Miranda said smiling.

"Oh okay great." Ben said

"Where are we going." Miranda asked.

"It's a surprise. You are going to love it." Ben said cheesing.

"Okay well can you ad least tell me what to wear." Miranda asked biting her lip.

"Just dress warm. We are going to be outside." Ben said and Miranda wanted to frown. She didn't really like the cold.

"Okay you got it." Miranda said.

"Alright. I will be here to pick you up at 6. Ben said and Miranda nodded her head.

She kissed Ben on the cheek before walking inside of her house.

Ben had planned this out. He was taking her ice skating and then they were going to get hot cocoa and walk through a Christmas tree patch before walking or driving through a big neighborhood to look at Christmas lights and decorations. He had things he wanted to do with her all week before Christmas that he had thought of because his family was going out of town for Christmas.

Ben dropped his book bag off at home and he sat and talk to his mom and dad. His dad was finally home. He had to stay on base for a month.

His father has yet to meet Miranda and he knew he was going to have to set up a day they could meet.

Ben dropped Curt off at his friends house before going to pick Miranda up. He watched as she came out side with her same coat and accessories.

"Babe, can you tell me where we are going now." Miranda asked as she reached to turn the heat on.

"Hey to you too Miranda." Ben said sarcastically.

"I just seen you like 2 hours ago. I didn't think I would have had to say hey again but if it makes your day. Hey Benjamin" Miranda said leaning over to kiss him.

Ben kissed her back before saying "But no, you will see when we get there."

"Okayyy." Miranda said.

Ben pulled up and parked in the parking lot.

"What are we doing here." Miranda asked.

"We are going ice skating." Ben said.

"I don't know how." Miranda said.

"It's the same as roller skating. Except you are gliding and you pick up one foot as you glide." Ben said.

"I'll be right here to help you and talk you through it. I won't let you fall." Ben said as he grabbed her hand.

Ben paid for their skates and he tied hers up for her as she put them on her feet. When she stood up, she grabbed and leaned on Ben.

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