Chapter 4

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In ThunderClan, Thunderpaw walked into the nursery. "Ah Thunderpaw," a pale peach she-cat purred. "Did you brought something for us?" Thunderpaw put the squirrel down,

"I've brought something for either for you Queen's or the kits," Thunderpaw meowed. The dark blue she-cat with emerald eyes padded to the squirrel, she sniffed it and looks at Thunderpaw.

"Defiantly for the kits," she purred. "Well, Lilyfur, Singbreeze, and I have already eaten. But Singbreeze kits haven't,"

"That's true," a tortoiseshell she-cat purred. "Cherrykit, Learkit, Steerkit. Fresh-kill is here,"

"Coming Singbreeze," three voices meowed in returned from outside of the nursery. Three little kits: a ginger she-cat, a brown tabby tom, and a dark cream tabby tom has come into the nursery.

"Hi Thunderpaw," a ginger she-cat squeaked.

"Hey Cherrykit," Thunderpaw purred. "Hello Learkit, Steerkit."

"Hi, Thunderpaw," Learkit mewed.

"What did you bring us?" Steerkit asked,

"A squirrel," Thunderpaw answered. "Nice and fat mixed in with fluffy, just for your kits."

"Thank you Thunderpaw," Learkit and Steerkit hurried to eat.

"Don't forget to thank StarClan before you; kits could eat," Thunderpaw meowed.

"Don't worry," Cherrykit purred. "We will," she rubs her head on his muzzle. Then hurried to her littermates' side,

"Around sun high that's when Naming Ceremony begins," Thunderpaw meowed to the Queens.

"That's great, that means you, Tigerpaw, and my son: Stungpaw has passed the assignment." Rainbowpond purred,

"We sure did," Stungpaw entered into the nursery den. "And I am excited as Thunderpaw is,"

"Oh thank goodness," Rainbowpond purred. "I'm so proud of you,"

"So did...umm..."

"I know, I understand."

"But I do believe that Yellowstar must be very proud of both of his kits," Lilyfur meowed.

"Yes, even I bet that their mother would have been proud of them too." Singbreeze purred, "I wished that she's still here,"

"So do I," Thunderpaw lowered his head. He and his brother barely know their mother; Phoenixtail, the first rogue whoever fell in love with their father: Yellowtail (Yellowstar). She died to save her only beloved while he was deputy, and gave birth to his only sons. Yellowstar has promised her that he will live for her and protect their kits as long as he lives. Phoenixtail promised Yellowstar that she will live in StarClan so she could wait for him till then, she will watch over their sons if anything happens to one of them. She will let him know, Thunderpaw only heard stories about her like that but never got a chance to know her. Only he knew that Stungpaw's mother; Rainbowpond has agreed to take him and his brother as her own after she lost her she-kits (sisters of Stungpaw): Sunkit and Moonkit.

He felt sorry for her, but yet he loved her as a mother of his own. Rainbowpond has padded to his side and rested her muzzle on his, "I know it's hard for you," she whispered. "But remember she always watches over you, your brother, and your father from StarClan."

"I know and you have become a great mother to raise me and my brother along with Stungpaw, plus...I am honored to become his brother. Although we are not related, I still feel honored to become his brother."

"Thunderpaw," Stungpaw purred. "You are a true friend that has become a brother that I can relate to,"

Thunderpaw purred back,

"Can you two leave?" Lilyfur meowed, "It's getting crowded in here,"

"Of course," Stungpaw meowed.

"Plus, it's almost time for the Naming Ceremony." Thunderpaw meowed,

"Well then," Rainbowpond purred. "We all should hurry then,"

"Right," the kits and the apprentices meowed and padded out of the Nursery Den.

Outside of the Nursery Den, Yellowstar is on the rock. "Let all cats old enough to get their prey and gather around the high rock," he meowed. Then all of the cats have gathered around the hollow, "ThunderClan, it is time to welcome our apprentices to become warriors. Thunderpaw, Tigerpaw, and Stungpaw. My deputy; Sharkfur is my son: Tigerpaw. Is he ready to become a warrior?"

"Yes," Sharkfur meowed. "He has a great honor, skills, and caring heart on his side. He is ready,"

"I'm glad to hear it," Yellowstar purred. "Rosespine, is Stungpaw ready to become a warrior?"

"Yes," Rosespine meowed. "He is intelligent, strangest, and out looking. He is ready,"

Yellowstar purred, "Pinefur, is my son. Thunderpaw, is he ready to become a warrior?"

"Yes," Pinefur meowed. "Because he is intelligent, loyal, and have a strong heart to become a future leader."

"That will be a great challenge to face," Yellowstar purred. "Tigerpaw, come forth." Tigerpaw crept up to his father's side, "Tigerpaw, do you swear to protect your clan by the name of StarClan at any cause?"

"I do," Tigerpaw nodded.

"From this day forward, you no longer have the name of Tigerpaw. You will be known as Tigerfang, because of your bravery, honor, and overprotective of one thing that is most mattered to you." Tigerfang licked his father's muzzle,

"Tigerfang! Tigerfang! Tigerfang!" The clan cheered,

"Stungpaw, come forth." Stungpaw crept up to his leaders' side; between Tigerfang and Yellowstar. "Stungpaw, do you swear to protect your clan by the name of StarClan at any cause?"

"I do," Stungpaw nodded.

"From this day forward, you no longer have the name of Stungpaw. You will be known as Stungfang, because of your loyalty, intelligence, and a strategist of the future deputy of the clan." Then Stungfang licked Yellowstar's muzzle,

"Stungfang! Stungfang! Stungfang!" the clan cheered,

"Now the last and not least, Thunderpaw. Please come forth," then Thunderpaw padded to his father. "Thunderpaw, do you swear to protect your clan by the name of StarClan at any cause?"

"I do," Thunderpaw nodded.

"From this day forward, you no longer have the name of Thunderpaw. You will be known as Thunderheart, because of your bravery and strength along with the heart that is full of fire that holds the future leader to the clan." Then Thunderheart licked his father's muzzle,

"Thunderheart! Thunderheart! Thunderheart!" the clan cheered,

"Tonight that they stand guard outside of our Hollow and stay in silence while we sleep for the rest of the night. Do you understand, toms?"

"Yes Yellowstar," three of them answered then every cat has gone back to work.

While every cat is working, Stungfang padded to the shade. He curled up and started to take a nap so he could stay up for the night. But Thunderheart and Tigerfang stayed at Yellowstar's side. "Well done you two," Yellowstar purred. "I'm very proud of both of you,"

"Well," Tigerfang began. "It was nothing," Tigerfang bit his tongue as his ears running red.

Yellowstar purred loudly, "Your mother used to do that, right after she gained her warrior name." All of the sudden, Tigerfang sucked his tongue in and flatten his ears as he lightly growled. "You both are just like your mother, but if she were here. She would be proud as I am,"

"I know that Father," Thunderheart purred. Before one of them could talk more, Sharkfur came to the toms' side.

"Yellowstar," Sharkfur meowed. "We need to discuss about apprentice chores,"

"Yes of course," Yellowstar meowed. "We will talk some more later, you two need some rest. You have a big chore tonight,"

"Alright...Yellowstar," Thunderheart replied. Then Yellowstar dismissed his sons and walked with Sharkfur.

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