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"Alright Mr. Iero, you're room is right here. You can decorate with anything you want, just no innapropriate images." Said a dull teacher. Frank hoped he didn't end up like the rest of these teachers. They were all old, crippled, and boring. Frank's name was printed on a plaque next to a dark brown door.

The last music teacher got fired for assult. That's Belleville for you. Frank sighed and looked at his all white classroom. "This is going to fucking suck." Frank whispered to himself.


"So Mr. Iero, you are going to pick up were the last teacher left off. He had four students." The principal, Mr. Rule, said. "Four students?" Frank asked, "That seems kind of low." Frank muttered. "It is low, but I think you can handle four students. Or am I wrong?" Mr. Rule asked. "Depends on the students. But, yeah I think I can handle them." Frank said in a confident voice. "Alright then, you're all set. Have a good first day Mr. Iero." Frank quickly got out of the uncomfortable seat and walked to his classroom.


Mr. Rule was right, he could really handle his students. The first one was a kid named Mikey. He was quiet and timid. The second student was a tall boy with the most amazing hair Frank has ever seen, his name was Ray. The third student was Pete. He was a little energetic and loud but nothing Frank can't handle. The forth student was a girl named Lindsey. She had short black hair tied into two pigtails. She had a big smile on her face.

"So I guess I'm your new teacher. They didn't give me a lesson plan so do whatever you guys want." Frank shrugged. Pete smiled at Frank and the four students walked out the classroom. Frank was about to question what the hell they were doing, but they all quickly rushed into the classroom and they were all holding an instrument. "Where the hell did you gusy get those?" Frank asked. "We found an empty janitors closet last year and filled it with our instruments." Pete said. "Creative." Frank said, he was actually impressed. It sounded like something Frank would do.

Mikey was holding onto a silver sparkly bass that had a one black stripe. Pete also had a bass, it was white and black. Lindsey also had a bass, it was all black. Ray had a guitar, it had an ombre effect that faded from orange to black. "Three basses and one guitarist, that's unusual." Frank commented, Ray chuckled, "We're all in seperate bands, we only really play together in this class." Frank smiled. "What bands are you in? Maybe I've heard of them." Lindsey shrugged, "I doubt that Mr. Iero." Frank chuckled, "Don't doubt anything in this classroom Lindsey." Frank propped his feet up on his desk and placed his tattooed arms behind his head. "Come on, tell me. You don't have to be scared."

The four kids all looked at each other. "Uhm, I'm in a band called Electric Century." Mikey said in a voice just above a whisper. "I do solo stuff, sometimes I play with Mikey though." Ray said. "I'm play in Fall Out Boy." Pete said. "I'm in Mindless Self Indulgence." Lindsey said in a confident voice, "Fall Out Boy and Mindless Self Indulgence are actually playing a show this weekend at The Underground. You can come if you want, the more the merrier even if you're a teacher." Pete said with a smug smile. "I'm not just a teacher Pete, sneaky bastard." Frank said with a chuckle. Maybe this wasn't too bad.


This is what they look like!

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This is what they look like!

This is my new book! If you like this so far I have one other Ferard book.
Let's Dance-Ferard

I hope you enjoy this so far!

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