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Knock, knock. Frank sighed, "Come in!" Frank expected Jamia or Gerard. But, instead it was Mr. Rule. "Hello Mr. Rule." Frank greeted. "Hello Mr. Iero. Since we awarded you with most liked teacher yesterday we got asked by three other students if they could join your class. Would that be okay?" Mr. Rule asked. Frank smiled, "Yeah, that'd be great." Mr. Rule nodded, "Alright, they'll be joining you today." Mr. Rule walked out of Frank's classroom.

The next person to walk in was Mikey. "Hey kid." Mikey said a quiet hello and sat in a plastic chair. "How's it going?" Frank asked. "Pretty good, I got a new record yesterday." Mikey stated, "Really? What album?" Frank asked. "Unknown Pleasures by Joy Division." Frank smiled as wide as he could, "That's an amazing album, you got good taste kid." Mikey smiled with Frank, "Thank you."

His three other students walked in and only a couple seconds later three faces Frank didn't recognize came in. "What's your names?" Frank asked the new students. "I'm Ryan." A short brunette said, "I'm Patrick." A short boy with dirty blonde hair said, "You're from Pete's band, aren't you?" Frank asked. Patrick nodded, "Sadly, it's the truth." Pete scoffed in the background. "And who are you?" Frank pointed at the last kid. "Haley." She had a soft voice and bright orange hair. "Alright, you guys can sit down." Frank said

"We're proud of you Mr. Iero. Instead of four students, now you have seven!" Pete stood up and started clapping, soon the rest of the students started clapping with him. Frank chuckled, "Thank you, thank you. All my hard work really paid off." Frank said sarcastically.

"Normally I just let everyone do whatever they want. Pete, Lindsey, Mikey and Ray have an area where they put their instruments, you can bring yours too." The three kids nodded and the four other kids got up to get their instruments.

While Ray was playong a God-level solo, Gerard busted through the door. "These fucking kids." Gerard said without realising their were students in the room. Gerard looked up and stopped dead in his track. "Uhm, hello Mr. Way." Frank awkwardly said. "Hi Mr. Iero. I'm just going to... Head out." Frank nodded, "I'll see you later." Frank said.

There was a momemt of awkward silence once Gerard left. "Uhm, I'm just going to ignore what just happened." Mikey said, the rest of the group nodded in agreement.

As soon as Frank's class ended he ran upstairs to Gerard's classroom. Frank frantically knocked, Gerard opened the door and thankfully there were no students in his class. "May I?" Frank pointed in Gerard's classroom. "Yeah, come in." Gerard got out of the way so Frank could walk in.

"Did you need anything when you came to my room today?" Frank asked. "Yeah. I was teaching today when the class broke out in a fit of laughter. I didn't know why they were laughing so I just went on with class. Turns out a student threw a piece of gum on my suit and now I don't know how to get it off." Frank chuckled, "Rough day?" Frank asked. "Very." Gerard responded. "Well, you're in luck. I have mastered scraping gum off of stuff. Everytime I got detention in high school my punishment was to scrape the gum off of desks, floors, chairs, you know shit like that." Gerard chuckled.

"Do you have a toothbrush and dish soap?" Frank asked. Gerard laughed, "Why would I have a toothbrush with me at school?" Gerard asked. "Alright then, we'll have to go down to my room. Come on." Frank led Gerard downstairs.

Frank rummaged through a drawer until he found a toothbrush. "Got it." Frank said. "Why the fuck do you have a toothbrush at school?" Gerard asked. "I'm always perpared. I can't count how many times a day I think, wow I could really brush my teeth right now." Frank said like it was the most normal thing the have a toothbrush in a drawer at school. "You're a weird one." Gerard stated.

Frank dug through a different drawer and found dish soap. "Alright, where's the gum?" Frank asked. Gerard sighed, "I can just do it." Frank shushed Gerard, "I got it, I got it. Where is it?" Frank asked a second time. Gerard looked away from Frank and pointed right next to his crotch. Frank wanted to laugh and say some dirty joke but he didn't want to make Gerard more embarrassed than he already is. "Alright, it'll take like two seconds."

Frank got on his knees next to Gerard and squirted a small amount of dish soap on the gum and started aggressively scrubbing with the toothbrush. Gerard chuckled, "God, if anyone walked in they would arrest us." Frank looked up, "I know way worse ways we could get arrested here." Frank winked and continued scrubbing.

Once the gum was gone Frank used his hand to wipe away any acsess gum. "Alright, you're good." Frank got up off the floor. Gerard's face was a permanent shade of pink. "Thanks Frank." Frank smiled, "Its no problem."


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