Chapter 5

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(A lot of shit has been happening, we're roleplaying again. I'mma get these drama chapters out of the way.)

Classic was lying on the couch one morning. He was bored. And he was alone, Black and Soul had gone to work. He didn't realize how tired he was. He kinda didn't have to energy to be alive.

A familiar white wolf appeared in front of him. He had his signature a red-- Pappy! Classic immediately sat up, when he saw his dead younger brother. "P-Pappy?" He called out. The other wolf nods. "Yes, Sans, it's me. Come on, we have killing to do." He said, nonchalantly. Classic smiled. "Well, let's get to it then!" He remarked in a chipper voice, his eyes becoming crazed.


Soul was laying down at his station, resting his head on his arms. He wasn't asleep, though.

He noticed paw steps, and he turned his head to the side to see his boyfriend, seemingly just talking to the air. 

"He's the last one we need," Pappy started. Classic's head snapped to Soul's direction. He shook his head, "No, Pappy... not him..." He muttered. He was slapped. Now they had Soul's attention. "Either you do it, or I will." Pappy spat, revealing himself. Classic shook his head again. He instinctively jumped back a little bit, when Soul had tackled Pappy.

The tall-ish wolf kicked Soul off, laughing. "Nyeh heh... you're even lazier than Sans," Soul tried to tackle him again, but Pappy teleported behind him. 

"Oh Sans... I should've told you, your actions have consequences..." The wolf whispered, in a chilled tone, as he made bones rise up from the ground below Classic, puncturing the poor omega's feet, knocking down his HP. 

"Classic!" Soul yelled out, as he sprinted to the omega, summoning green bones that heal him. Soul snapped his head back to look at Pappy, his face twisted to growl. His ears perked up, so he could listen to his surroundings. He heard the wurr of a forming Gaster Blaster, and he slowly turned around to see where the noise was coming from. A large Gaster Blaster was forming behind the smaller wolf, it had taken a few minutes to fire.














"Classic, move!"

The alpha shoved Classic out of the way, tripping on his feet as he did so. He fell onto the ground, as the Blaster fired. His HP ruthlessly was knocked down to 0.05. (I know it was 0.01 but I was very dramatic before I learned to phase it out xD)

Classic jumped back up, seeing Soul, and immediately darting to him. He shook his shoulder. "Soul..." He muttered. "Soul... get up..." He pleaded.

A light, bell-like clicking noise was heard, and before Classic realized, Soul's SOUL was blue. Pappy quickly guided his hand across the air, moving Soul, and smashing him into a tree, breaking his right front leg, and back left leg. (again, phase out)

 He looked up, surprised to see Black walking towards them. Black stopped, turning his head to Pappy. He growled. The smallest wolf tackled Pappy, even though being thrown off. "If Sans couldn't beat me, how can a measly, royal guardsman?" He snickered, before returning the tackle, pinning Black to the ground. The beta wolf snarled. "Classic! You idiot! Help me!" He hissed.

Classic didn't know what to do, he wanted to help Black, he really did, and Soul was unconscious... but at the same time, he didn't want to hurt his little brother... again.

He stood up. "Guard Soul," Black nodded, kicking Pappy off of him and running to his older brother. He'd protect him with his life if he had to.

Classic tried reasoning with Pappy, but he got hurt in return.

"Classic-- Papyrus's gone."

The omega turned his head back. "What?"

Before anyone could figure out where he was, Pappy had known. Instantly. When Soul had teleported behind him, and impaled his chest with a bone.

"Like you..." He coughed. "said... actions have consequences, fuckstick..." He growled menacingly... as he retracted the bone from Pappy's chest. Pappy accepted his defeat... for now.

Soul collapsed onto the ground, unable to support himself on his feet. Classic looked at his hands, and shrugged it off, that was not his concern right now.

He ran to Soul, as did Black. Black tried to grab him, but Soul kicked up on his other feet and soared into the air.

The others sighed, as they followed him home.

(Damn son. 795 words. Nice.)

All Good In Me Is 'Cause A' You (Soul x Classic)Where stories live. Discover now