Chapter 9

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(This chapter's gonna be pretty long.)

Classic was confused. "Oh, sure."

Dust took him aside in the hallway. RC's ears perked up, he listened in.

// Dustic flashback //

Classic had burned his house down. Pappy wasn't present for that, who knows where he was. RC had walked by, looking down at the smaller wolf. "Hey." He greeted, tail flicking. "Fuck off," The omega responded. RC nodded and teleported away.

Dust teleported over a few minutes later. Classic didn't bother to look over. He growled. "Nice," the other omega huffed, finding a stick on the ground as Classic spoke.

"I wish I had some marshmallows..." He groaned playfully. Dust, in turn, pulled a bag of marshmallows from his backpack.

"Wanna make s'mores?" He asked genuinely. The smaller floof blinked. "I-- I wasn't /serious/..." He mumbled. 

The hooded wolf looked at him. "Yes or no?" A different question came from his mouth. Classic giggled and smiled, taking a stick.

They both ate good ass s'mores that day.

// Back to the present. //

Dust's purple streaked hair was blown out of his face. "It's about RC." He muttered, staring at the blue streaked fluff ball. The omega blinked. "Um, okay?"

"You spend more damn time with him than you do your fucking boyfriend." Dust growled, not even meaning to sound so menacing, as he took a stride towards Classic.

Classic gave him a look of, "The fuck?"

// Dustic flashback //

Dust and Classic were adorable together, sure. Root, root for Dustic.

But they did start to grow apart.

Usually, Classic would suggest they go out or stay home and watch a movie or something, but Dust always said he never really felt like it.

He used to blame having so much work to do for Nightmare, and that Nightmare was constantly making him work.

Classic confronted Nightmare about it, and Nightmare responded with visible confusion.

"What? I'm giving him minimum work. He's not doing shit, so I'm /making/ him do shit."

Classic's ears twitched as he went back to Dust, acting like he hadn't just heard that. It started bottling up.

// Back to the present. //

The blue streaked omega growled. "I'm sorry? Maybe it's 'cause ya never came the fuck around, Dust!" He snarled in response, Dust rolling his eyes.

"I tried to when I could, but then you started fuckin' dismissin' me. Asshole." The other omega yelled, crossing his arms. Classic scoffed. "I was dismissin' you? Bitch, you blamed it on your fuckin' work! No, no, ya weren't doin' shit! At least I got m'fuckin' shit together!" Classic finally yelled back, stepping away from Dust.

"So you cheat on me with a fuckin' delinquent and coward of a wolf?" He accused, sniffing. That set Classic off.

"He ain't a coward. You are." Classic sighed angrily.

"He can't stand up to his own little brother."

"Just because he don' hurt people fo' no reason, and jus' 'cause he loves his bro, don' mean he's a coward. You can go fuck yourself. M'done." He growled one last time, walking back into the nurses office.

"Fine. I'm done too, ya cheatin' scumbag." Dust snarled, teleporting away.

Classic started thinking.

// RC and Classic flashback. //

Classic was just chilling in a tree, ears perking when he heard the sound of teleportation. Must be RC.

Because he appeared in the tree barely a second later.

"Same as usual?" He asked, pulling a leaf off of the tree. The alpha nodded.

He leaned back in the tree so that he could fall on his back and dust. And he did fall out of the tree. But Classic's reflexes snapped in and he made his SOUL blue.

"Jesus. You good?" The omega sniffed, leaning over the tree to look at him.

"No, I'm evil." RC huffed, struggling. "Why'd ya save me?" He asked, confused. The smaller floof tilted his head. "Why not?" RC frowned. "/Why/?"

"Because you're my friend?" Classic said in a 'bruh, really?' tone. RC seemed to glare, but it was a nonchalant look.

"Friends betray each otha' all tha' timeee..." He groaned. He was acting like a child. "Not true friendsss." Classic returned the annoyed sound.

RC rolled his eyes. "Fine. Lemme back up."

Classic lifted him back into the tree, purposely bumping him into the branches. "Ow." RC huffed again, glaring, but quickly smiling.

They told jokes to each other and exchanged stories until nighttime.

// Back to the present. //

The omega's ears fluttered. He realized how happy he was every time he was with RC.

That he'd let him rant about Pappy. Listen to his whole story and reasoning for what he did to his AU. The scar.

He'd even leave him alone if he wanted to be.

And hey, RC was cute, he was funny, edgy, and he was smart.

He slowly started to realize how he felt about him, but decided to push it down.

He shouldn't rush into  rebound.

He just decided to go to his tree with Pappy, as RC had teleported home.

Oh, little did he know his little brother waited there.

He was not happy. At all.

All Good In Me Is 'Cause A' You (Soul x Classic)Where stories live. Discover now