Chapter 16.

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Obi-Wan's POV


An explosion boomed in my ears, and I dodged to the right, diving out of the falling building. A piece of wall crashed just next to me, forcing me to curl into a protective ball. Within seconds, I was rolling to my feet, ready for anything. My eye scanned the burning area, and my senses were heightened to their peak as I listened out for any cries of distress or pain. Another explosion brought another house to the ground, kicking up a suffocating cloud of dust.

Pulling a section of my ripped tunic over my mouth, I blocked out the dust as best as I could, shading my eyes with my arm. Standing still, I searched with my eyes the destroyed part of Mandalore's town I had braved. The Force tugged at my shoulder, whispering for me to dig through the rubble of the building that had nearly collapsed on top of me. I responded immediately, spinning on my heel and plunging into the still-creaking structure. I was hit by a wave of sweltering heat, and smoke filled my lungs, causing me to choke.

"Hello!" I shouted, my voice hoarse from yelling over the din of the burning town. "Is anyone in here?"

A faint coughing on my left sent me running, sliding to my knees as I dug through the stone and rocks with my bare hands. I barely felt the pain of the cuts and splits that rapidly formed on my palms when I saw a human's hand. I took the briefest moment to brush my fingers through hers, letting her know that I was there. Her fingers curled just slightly in recognition.

Within the minute, I had uncovered the young woman enough to slip my hands under her back and through the crook of her knees. "Are you ready?" I murmured, quickly checking for major injuries.

She nodded weakly, throwing her arm around my neck as an anchor.

"One, two, three!" I counted, then straightened, hoisting her up. Turning around, I watched in dismay as my exit crashed to the ground, with the ceiling caving in to block the doorway. I glanced down at the lady in my arms, catching the panicked expression on her ashen face. Another section of the fiery building crashed behind me, and the Force was shouting for me to get out before we were buried alive. Despite our life-or-death situation, I hesitated. I had walked away from the life of a Jedi, instead walking into the life of the Duchess. Mandalore's disgust for war, and the peace-keeping Jedi's involvement in it, had pushed me away from using the Force. So many people were just too uncomfortable with it. But in this case, I decided to make an exception.

Focusing on the blockade in front of me, I started to lift it, clearing a hole for us to squeeze through. Then the Force screamed danger, and my heart nearly stopped. The building was coming down – fast. Without thinking, I froze time. I held the entire structure in place while we made our escape, and I couldn't stop my mind from flashing back to my meeting on Coruscant ... with Anakin. Had he been here, things would have been different. He, being more powerful than me, could have held the building with ease and had energy to spare. But I shoved the thought from my mind, letting it get crushed with the rest of the building as I let go, stumbling out of the way.

We lay panting for a minute, watching as the dust slowly settled. The lady squeezed my hand gratefully. "Thank you," she whispered, then snapped something off her neck and pressed it into my hand.

I gazed at it with unseeing eyes, my mind far away ... back on Coruscant. But I dragged my attention to the item in my hand and then nearly choked on my own throat. A small, pale blue gem sat in my palm, attached to a thick brown cord. I looked up at her quickly, staring speechlessly.

She smiled a little at my shock. "Not everyone on Mandalore doesn't believe in the Jedi. Some still see – and appreciate – the good that they do."

"I can't take this," I finally managed, holding it out to her.

But she just wrapped my fingers around it. "I owe you my life. This is the least I can do to repay you."

Somehow a smile made it through my astonishment, and I fastened the crystal around my neck, then pulled myself to my feet. "If I may," I started gently, sliding my arms under her and lifting her off the ground again, "I'll take you to a medical centre."

We dodged explosions and fights until I could safely drop the lady off. That completed, I headed back into the streets and continued my quest of bringing some semblance of order to the chaotic town. I plunged into the worst hit area, figuring if I could calm this down, then the rest would follow – hopefully.

For pacifists, I was both impressed and disturbed by the surplus of guns that seemed to have appeared in the hands of each side. How badly I wanted my lightsaber now. 

Finding a box to crouch behind, I spotted a blaster and then pulled it to myself using the Force. I counted out the shots in my head, listening for a pattern, waiting for a lull. After a few minutes, the firing slowed, and I knew I had approximately two seconds to make my move.

Leaping to my feet, I strode into the dead centre of the crossfire, making certain my senses were so sharp that I could dodge at the perfect moment, if necessary. Holding my gun in the air, pointing it directly upwards, I fired shot after shot, until people started taking notice.

The lasers stopped flying from all directions and the shouts died down to murmurs. Everyone knew who I was, and everyone knew why I was here. My name as "The Negotiator" even reached planets in the Outer Rim, such as this one.

"What is going on here?" I half-pleaded, the desperations of night and the frustrations of war weighing heavily on my mind.

Silence reigned through the crowd, and I could almost feel the shame stifling the air. Some shifted their guns on their hips aggressively, but others looked down, hanging their blasters by their sides in embarrassment.

"Do you not realize what is happening to this planet?" I asked, exasperated.

"Yeah," someone further back grumbled, "it's finally getting an overhaul."

"And what is that overhaul going to do to it?" I asked rhetorically, cocking an eyebrow at him. "Will it bring our people together, or tear them apart? Will it help or hinder?" I paused, letting my questions sink in, relieved at the positive response coming from the crowd. "Please don't do this! We've been over this, last time when Pre Vizsla tried to overthrow Duchess Kryze. And what did that gain us? Nothing! Nothing but suffering and destruction. Please, you know how much it hurts the planet and the people when we fight. I just rescued a young woman from a burning building; both her and I almost died! This is very real, and war is harsh. Don't do this!"

The more peaceable side lowered their guns, then dropped them to the ground, turning away in shame. Those who were more aggressive also lowered their blasters, though they didn't let them go. They did, however, also turn and head back to their homes, or what was left of them. I watched as both sides began working together to put out flames and save the buildings that could be saved, and I knew this was a start. Tension still hung heavily in the air, so thick I could almost taste it.

But it was a start. And I hoped to build on that start. It was the least I could do, for this planet and for my fiancée. 


So, this is what a divided planet looks like. War. Destruction. Death. Let's hope that Mandalore can see this before they lose too much. Go, Obi-Wan! But what is he sacrificing to try save this planet?

We'll probs switch over to Ani next chapter, so get ready. Yeah. 

Thanks a heap for reading, you guys are just so amazing, thanks so much! You're so appreciated!! ^^



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