Ch 19

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"How long do we plan to sit in this tree for Snow?"

While running away Doflamingo took care of any men that were chasing them, normally he liked playing with his victims but in this situation he didn't. He didn't want to risk Snow getting hurt by him being careless. Since he killed most of the men Snow decided that they needed to hide in a nearby tree until she said they could continue on. They've been up there for a while but Snow still didn't want to leave.

"I don't know" The girl was in Doflamingo's arms as they sat on a large tree branch which surprisingly hasn't broken from the man's weight. Doflamingo moved her slightly and seen the fear in her eyes as she looked around on the ground below them.

"It's okay, I wouldn't let them near you" Snow smiled at Doflamingo but it didn't last long as a twig snapping caused her to look back down. "I finally found you!" Seeing a threat Doflamingo went to cut the man with his strings but he disappeared before they could hit him. "That could have ended badly" The man now stood on a branch near the pair, looking down at where Doflamingo's strings cut the ground. "Go away! Ember said you'd be a week, you're early!"

"Do you know this person Snow?"

"He's my Dad" When she said that Doflamingo brought them both back to the ground since he figured this man wasn't a threat. "Ah, so you're my future Father-in-law?" Snow sent the man holding her a look before she spoke up. "I still don't have my ring"

"Hahaha! First, I find out Ash is apparently married to Mihawk and now you plan to marry my little Snowflake! But now that I found you two, we can continue this discussion at my safe house, everyone else is already there"


Following Snow's Father, they stepped through a portal and were met by the others sitting in a living room eating some type of meal. Doflamingo sat down with Snow in his lap as he stared at the man who was still standing.

"Do you plan to send us back to our world now? I won't leave my bride behind" A kiss was placed on Snow's forehead before Doflamingo rested his chin on the top of her head. The others in the room also started to speak up about not wanting to leave their partner behind, well except Law and Corazon. Though it was what Smoker said that caused everyone to pause though. "Admiral Hatter? You're able to move through different worlds but have lives in both?"

"Did he just say, admiral!?" All eyes were on the girl's father as he sat down in a chair and began explaining. "Yes, I've been a Marine Admiral for almost ten years now. I wasn't born in the One Piece world or the mortal world, I was born in a land that no longer exists. There was a war that slowly killed my land and we were powerless to stop it. I should have died with it but I found that I could travel between worlds so I abandoned my home in hopes that I could find a place where I could live in peace"

He was going to continue but Snow raising her hand stopped him. "Yes, Snow?"

"What was your world called?" The girl had an idea based on their last name but wanted to hear it from her Father's mouth. "Wonderland, I was the Mad Hatter and your Mother was my dear Alice" Kidd laughed at that but when the man wrapped his hand around his throat he stopped. "Eustass Kidd, this is your only warning to keep your mouth shut"

He returned to his seat then continued with the story. "Where was I? Ah, yes! We both left together and began our search; we found the mortal world which your Mother loved. She had been pregnant so we made a life there, I still searched for other worlds during her pregnancy. The world of One Piece drew me to it and I enlisted in the Marines, I would visit your Mother but continued moving up in the ranks. By the time Ember and Snow were six, I earned my Admiral title"

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