Ch 21 💢

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"Kidd, I don't recall you informing anyone on the crew that you were going on a Pirate Retreat and why do you have a girl with you?" Killer was the one that would be taking the pair back to the ship and it probably was for the best since Kidd wouldn't hurt his best friend. "Long time no see Killer! This is Jess and she's my lady so the crew better show her the same level of respect they show me"

Killer didn't question Kidd anymore as he watched the two climb into the rowboat before he pushed the boat into the water and started rowing back to the ship. As they were rowing back to the ship someone screaming reached their ears "Take care of my sister Mihawk or else I will hunt you down and murder you!" Jess was giggling at her sisters' threat as she leaned back to whisper into Kidd's ear. "I'm surprised she threatened Mihawk and not you Kidd"

"Did you want her to threaten me, Jess?" The girl just shook her head as she ran her fingers through Kidd's hair before she took his goggles from him and placed them around her neck. "Hey! Give those back!" Killer had to break them up before Kidd and Jess caused the boat to tip over, he found Kidd's behavior odd with Jess usually the man would kill anyone who pissed him off but this time it was different.

"So, Killer did you miss Kidd while he was away?" Jess started making small talk to Killer since it would take a few minutes to get back to the ship. "Of course, I missed the Captain!"

"Good to hear Killer, I might have gotten a little offended if you didn't miss me. So, we plan to head back to our hideout?" Killer told Kidd they had planned to return to the hideout but if he wanted to go somewhere else, they could. "No, going back to the hideout is fine"


A Few Minutes Later...

It didn't take much longer before they had arrived back on the ship and many of Kidd's crewmates were staring down at Jess with hungry looks. "She's mine don't fucking stare at her!" Kidd allowed Jess to climb the rope ladder first but he followed quickly after while he left Killer to bring the rowboat back on board. "Hello! I'm Jess!"

"Captain, why are you bring a woman on boa-" The man didn't get to finish as Jess punched him out. "Anyone else want to voice their concerns about me!?" Jess cracked her knuckles as she stared at the crew members on deck. "N-No Mistress Jess!"

"Good. Kidd, I'm hungry feed me!" Kidd took Jess's hand before they started making their way to the mess hall where his cook would prepare something for the two. "The important people can join us" The 'important people' that followed behind Kidd were Killer, Heat, and Wire.


Jess was eating her meal while Kidd discussed his plans with his other crewmates at another table. "Kidd aren't you hungry?" Kidd had gotten her a bowl of soup but the man didn't touch his which made Jess think he wasn't hungry. "I'll eat in a minute; we're almost done discussing our plans"

"I see you must need help eating~" Jess flinched her finger as Kidd's spoon flew at him, from where it was previously laying on the table. "What the hell Jess!" She stared back at Kidd as she held her hand out in front of her, daring him to try something. "Don't test me Kidd, a fight between us would be pointless"

Kidd got up with a huff as he moved to sit by Jess before he started to eat his soup but he did steal Jess's spoon since he was on the floor somewhere. "That was my spoon" She did try to take her spoon back from Kidd but he would hold it just out of her reach. "You shouldn't have thrown mine then"

"What did you do to our Captain, Jess?" Killer had been watching how Kidd was behaving around Jess and it caused the man to be a little concerned so he spoke up. "What haven't I done to him?" When Jess said that Killer started to blush though you wouldn't have been able to tell because of his mask.

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